Monday, September 30, 2019
Sample Acknowledgement
We, the researchers, would like to extend our gratitude to all those people who helped and supported us in completing this term paper. We would like to thank our beloved professor, Fr. Kim Lachica, S. J. , for the lessons, guidance and advices he bestowed upon us. He inspired us to work efficiently on this project. In addition, we would like to thank him for motivating us to work hard in achieving our goals in life.Moreover, we would also want to express our gratefulness to the one who gave all of his time to us in the interview and shared his personal life experiences as an entrepreneur which also motivated us to work harder in our fields. He is no other than Mr. Steffen Eisenbarh, the owner of GROUPWORX101 Company. For without him, we would not finish this project. In addition, we express our sincere gratitude to our families who understood and encouraged us in every time we spent in making this term paper.Last but not the least, we would like to extend our heart-felt gratitude to our Almighty Father for His unending and unconditional support He had given upon us. He enlightened us throughout the struggles and experience we’ve been through in making this term paper. Without the help and support of the particular persons that mentioned above, we would face many difficulties while doing this term paper. Again, we take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this term paper.
Justice System Position Paper Essay
For many years there has been so much debate on whether punishment or rehabilitation would be the main issue in the juvenile system. They have gone back and forward from punishment to rehabilitation and still to this day it is still going on in our society, in which they should be forcing on rehabilitating our young youth to better themselves because they are our future generation that is coming up, instead of punishing them in which that is not going to help them one bit, only thing that is going to do is continue more problems within our youth. People wonder to this day what method works and I believe that rehabilitation should be the main primary focus in the juvenile justice system. If they really think about it rehabilitation is a program and therapies that allow juveniles delinquent to reunite back to society as a contributing member to their community. The program has many things to offer to help a juvenile and what I mean by this is they have programs that offer behavior modi fication therapies, education, work programs, and counseling to help them correct any area that needs improvement. They also help out the parent to better their juvenile the only thing is the parent have to get involve and really want the help for their juvenile so they can overcome their issue and be reunited back to society. Juvenile justice system should focus more on rehabilitation and the reason why I say that is because it can reduce time spent being incarcerated, also address more for the needs of delinquents, what I mean by this is focusing more on rehabilitation it could allow more delinquent to become productive members in society and in courage them to change their ways of life and prove to them that everyone can change instead of people looking at them as an delinquent juvenile that stay in trouble a lot. Just think if the states think more about punishment than rehabilitation there would be more repeated offenders, and ultimately, depriving on society and the offender, then if you think about it the offender would be punished for their action as a delinquent but not getting the op portunity to learn how to be reunited back into society as a productive member and not being able to understand there problem, which means they would never understand what tick them off and make them act out the way they do by being punish they would never no and continue to repeat their action. Rehabilitation has a lot to offer far as learning about their behavior and the impact on society, how they can change their behavior, by completing the program they know that they can be successful and find a good job and stay away from trouble due to already going through that situation and be reunited back to society. Now without the program a juvenile could go into adulthood and still continue their action and it may get worse in the future. There was a research done on juvenile justice setting around the world and Day, Howells and Rickwood have inform people that most juvenile that has encounter with criminal justice agencies has many problems and have experience high levels of need and the justice agencies does not have much aware of the circumstance that is going on with the delinquents due to worrying about punishing them instead of finding out what they can do to help them overcome their situation so they can be reunited back to society. I think that rehabilitation should be the main focus on criminal justice system, and the reason why I say this is because the understanding on rehabilitation impact due to the law enforcement, court processes, probation, corrections, community services, and intervention programs. By the successful of the program can impact area’s and who has completed the programs are less likely to repeat breaking the law enforcement. Just think of the juveniles that has completed the rehabilitation program or anyone who has completed the program are less likely to increase the caseload in courts. Then, there are those who are on probation or not, they could have their probation decreased due to upon successful completion of the program. Even with rehabilitation, it can decrease the burden on corrections system by decreasing the number of juveniles that is incarceration. Now with community service and intervention programs could experience an increase in juvenile depending on whether the juvenile comply with their rehabilitation programs and that when the parent is suppose to get involve to make sure that they juvenile comply within the program. If people can address that some juveniles has committed an unacceptable act and putting them in a rehabilitation program instead of punishing them, which is a inappropriate behavior depending on what type of crime that they have committed and what I mean by this is, if a juvenile committed murder than they should be punish for their crime but at the same time they also should be rehabilitate to understand what they have done was wrong and admit to their action and focus on improving themselves so they can be reunited back in to society one day or prove to themselves and they community that they can be reunited within the community. Think if they just punish all juveniles for their action regardless of what type of crime that they have committed, a juvenile would be accepted to all types of behavior and they would not understand the social or mental processes that may contribute to a delinquency due to being punished and rehabilitation does address these issue and help the delinquency focus on their problems and can help improve them in so many ways but the juvenile would have to want to change for themselves not because they are required to complete the program they have to want to do this on there on and that’s when the parent get involve to courage there juvenile to change to better themselves. Rehabilitation has both advantages and disadvantages and what I mean by this is the advantages of rehabilitation focus on the needs of the offender and customize to the individual’s needs by helping them understand there issue and how they can control there issue. Also the costs are significantly less tha n incarceration and decrease the recidivism rates, just think the juvenile crime rate will decrease and it would not be overcrowded in the detention center. The disadvantages would be adequate staffing and funding due to not having enough or short supply, but all in all the advantages always outweighing the disadvantage due to reducing the numbers of juvenile offender and getting them the help they need to improve themselves so they can be reunited back to society as civilize young adults. The agreement that oppose my view is how some people feel as though punishing the delinquency would help them but in reality it is only making them worse and their behavior also. My opinion is that all delinquency that has commit some type of crime should be able to get help far as rehabilitating them instead of punishing them, just think if they punish all of the delinquency they would have a lot of juveniles in detention centers and that would be more money spent to house them and that means more staffs being hire to work more hours than what they have to and at the same time having to worry about the different behaviors within the juveniles, at l east with the rehabilitation program they (juveniles) could be able to get the help they need and understand their action and work on their issue to the point that they can be reunited back into society and live a civilize life within their community. Another thing is the juvenile’s parent need to be involve in whatever action that is taking place within their juvenile and what I mean by this is the parent are responsible for them (juvenile) and they should make it there point that they juvenile comply with the program and also participate within the program to better their juvenile, and understand their (juvenile) problem. Parents should understand that it starts with them and if they are not trying to get involve then their juvenile would feel as though they really do not have to comply by the programs. If parents get involve and help the system out by wanting to help there juvenile to improve their issue instead of putting their juvenile problems off on others then may be the juvenile crime rate would decrease and it would not be a big issue on making sure that the juvenile’s comply with rehabilitation programs nor punishing them (juvenile). Just think if rehabilitation service was not provided to the delinquency, it would be a lot of crimes more juvenile’s committing crimes and overcrowding in the detention center, it could hurt the offenders and the community. The juvenile would feel as though that people has lost faith in them and at the same time bring their self esteem down which would convince them do go out and commit crimes due to not having anyone there in there corner, that is why people and parent’s should get involve and help out our youth and make sure that they can be reunited back to society instead of punishing them cause punishing them is not doing anything to help them one bit. Overall I think that the juvenile justice system should focus on rehabilitating our young youth to better them into going back to school and getting a diploma or GED so they can farther there education and find a decent job, instead of getting into trouble and in up in the system to be punish for their crime or repeating the same crime that they have done once before also the community needs to come to gather and help far as giving some type of positive advice to the young youth so they can follow the right path, but most important is the p arent’s need to be involve in their youth live regardless what it is, just my opinion on the whole situation. Reference American Civil Liberties, (1996, July5). ACLU Fact sheet on The Juvenile Justice System, retrieved, May 10, 2009 A History Struggle: Punishment or Rehabilitation? Mellen G. (2008, May 20), Press- Telegram, retrieved, May 10, 2009 Public Willing to Pay More for Rehabilitation of Juvenile Offenders; Models for Change: System Reform in Juvenile Justice, (2009). In Models for Change; System Reform in Juvenile Justice; Home, retrieved May 10, 2009 Juvenile Law Focus is Rehabilitation; Children are Considered, David J. Shestokas, copyright May 18, 2009 www.peasecurity, Rehabilitation and Control of Juvenile Delinquency Offender, Afolabi James Adebayo, copyright 2010
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Philosophy 103
According to Sartre, a philosopher from the World War II and Cold War eras, people will create the world around them, thus manipulating their lives. By doing this, they create certain limitations, while also creating more possibilities. Sartre created his philosophical theory at a time in history when more people were able to afford more amenities and luxuries for themselves. More and more industries, companies, and manufacturers were popping up around the world. This created a global human interest in possessing more amenities, especially in a democratic society.People were now able to not only afford the items they needed in order to sustain a normal lifestyle, but they could own things that could entertain them and bring them happiness. This is a lifestyle that has continued on through today. Many people argue that the habit of buying unnecessary items as opposed to buying those that are vital has become worse over time. Many of us wonder why this is the case. Sartre states that p eople â€Å"may not become what they wish to be†because they are too busy focusing on their material possessions instead of focusing on improving their moral selves.It is the responsibility of the person to decide what is really important in their lives. Sartre also makes a few more important notations towards his theory. First, many people think that they will only be defined by the items in which they possess. People think they will only be accepted socially if they possess items that are considered to be attractive to others. People also think they are only defined by what they have, not by who they are as people. However, Sartre also says, in reality, the world in which we live in is not composed of all the material possessions.But we tend to feel complete when we do possess these. It is our way of â€Å"escaping responsibility†. A free market constantly manipulates us, and it is easy for us to fall into its trap. When choosing whether or not to splurge on luxury items, we tend to evaluate our lifestyles and consider what are values truly are. When we evaluate our lifestyles, we fulfill ourselves in which we think will improve our overall lifestyle. Our values become our material possessions, therefore forgetting what is morally significant in our lives.It is all up to the way in which we evaluate things and our ability in attempting to resist our negative and insignificant assumptions of ourselves and the lifestyles we choose to maintain. When doing this, we usually create standards for ourselves to abide by. We only will invest in the most expensive items because we believe it will make us appear more superior to everyone else. By doing this, we forget about what is important: our consciousness of our spending habits with our money.For example, when it comes to buying a car, we forget about the role a car is meant to play in our lives. As opposed to focusing on its ability to get us from place to place, we only focus on the way it looks, h ow fast it can go, how good the sound system is, how high we can have it lifted, etc. By doing this, people lose sight of what is morally important like shelter, food, and one’s own livelihood. We see this a lot in our everyday lives. You see this on billboards, over the radio, in magazines, in movies, and especially on television. According to dictionary. om, a â€Å"Marketer†is defined as â€Å"A person whose duties include the identification of the goods and services desired by a set of consumers, as well as the marketing of those goods and services on behalf of a company. †This means that the job of the marketer is to convince the average consumer that they need their product, and this is where more often then not people confuse Luxuries versus needs. First lets start by defining â€Å"need. †In the strictest sense of the word, a â€Å"need†is something that you have to have to get by in this world – a necessity.You need food, shelte r, clothing, medical care, which are all examples of the basics. You will probably experience physical suffering of some sort if you don't have your needs met. On the other hand, a â€Å"Luxury†is something that you desire  something you would like to have. But by no means will you suffer in any way except perhaps mental anguish, if you don't get the thing you want. â€Å"Wants†quite often fall into the category of Luxuries, nice to have, but the world won't end without them. The hard part comes when you live in a prosperous capitalistic society, like ours.The â€Å"western†standard of living is so high that even many of our poor tend to live above the level of basic needs. In 1998, 97% of â€Å"poor†Americans (as defined by the Census Bureau) owned a television  something that could definitely be considered a luxury. In many third-world countries, less than 30% of the population even has access to electricity, which most westerners wo uld consider an absolute necessity. My intention is not to make anyone feel guilty  it's simply to point out that the distinction between want and need is often relative.It depends on the area in which you live, the company you keep, the lifestyle you choose, and the expectations of the society around you. We are influenced, every day, by the popular culture around us. Television, magazines, movies, and advertising have all done a splendid job of programming us to think that we need a lot of excess consumable goods. Pretend that you are watching TV or flipping through your favorite magazine and see an ad for something awesome. Suddenly, your heart speeds up, and you get a tingly feeling in your gut. It's perfect, how had you ever lived without it before?You rush right to the store, what?! You don't have any left in stock?! Your heart sinks and you feel a rush of disappointment. You spend the rest of the day moping because you couldn't find it anywhere. Now, this might be a b it of an exaggeration, but it's not far off the mark for some people. How often have you learned of a new product and were certain that you absolutely had to have it? What if you had never seen the ad? Would your life be any worse off? It's as if the knowledge that something exists causes the need for it. Thus brings up the age-old saying of keeping up with the Joneses.With the advent of the â€Å"global society,†the Joneses are not just the people next door anymore. They include movie stars and billionaires and imaginary people on TV that don't even really exist. But we hold these folks up as the standard against which we should measure our own lives. Just because Bill Gates has a multi-million dollar house, we think ours is too small. Certainly, no one is suggesting that one gives away everything they own and become a monk, but it is important that one strikes a balance between those things that they have to have and the things that they would like to have.It is also impor tant that people be able to prioritize their spending. The goal is to focus on those things that will really improve one’s quality of life, rather than just look flashy. Here's a perfect example of prioritizing between two â€Å"wants. †Wouldn't it be nice to retire early? Not have to work, spend your time doing what you want? And let's say that while you are thinking about retiring early, you are also looking to buy a house. You could choose the $500,000 home with 10 bedrooms, or you could choose the smaller, less-expensive house that meets all of your basic needs.If you choose the expensive home, you can probably kiss retiring early goodbye. But, if you decide that retiring early would improve your quality of life more than having a huge flashy house, the choice is simple. This coincides with Sartre’s theory of self-responsibility. He defines it as â€Å"individuals are responsible for their choice, i. e. , they are the incontestable author of their act. â⠂¬ This means that whatever decision a person makes, whether it be good or bad, is their own personal responsibility.For example, when a professional athlete is caught cheating by using steroids, throwing a fight, or betting on themselves, etc. they are personally responsible for the actions that take place thereafter. This also applies to Sartre’s theory on responsibility for others. He states that, â€Å"in choosing for one's self, one is thus also choosing for others and is to that extent responsible for the others. †So by having the professional athlete cheat, he or she is also affecting others, such as fans, the team’s image, and their teammates, with their actions.Sartre’s teachings on existentialism are a perfect example for the topic of Luxuries versus necessities. His idea of personal responsibility and the responsibility of others shows that in Sartre’s eye’s every consumer is responsible for themselves and if their actions caus e a negative reaction on the rest of society they person responsible for this change be held accountable. When choosing between necessities and luxuries its up to one’s own moral judgment to decide what is considered a necessity or what is a luxury. So next time your out buying something think to yourself what kind of effect could this it have on society?
Whether we find advertisements on radio, television, Internet, newspapers, or roads, they have become a part of our daily life. Basically, wherever we look, we will certainly find an advertisement that Is somewhere. Advertisements are a tool to promote a certain product in various ways so it can reach potential customers or just to inform people of what product they produce. Frank (2005) illustrates that advertisements seek to convince costumers to buy products. Advertisers use it publish advertisements Just to manipulate the people without taking in consideration if it is ethical or not.So, advertisers manipulate people by the use of weasel word, and pathos. Words have the power that can Inspire and attract humans. Advertisers use words to convince customers to buy their product, but they can't advertise words that break the law in their country. So advertisers found a way that will prevent them from a facing legal action which is weasel words. Weasel words â€Å"appear to say one thing when in fact they say the opposite or nothing at all,†(Lutz, 2012, p. 248). This means that weasel words imply something, but in reality nothing has been said or eel Information has been delivered.Let's take the phrase â€Å"Up to 50% or whatever percentage off' as an example. First when we read this, we think and look only on the number 50% because it means it is half of the original price and we ignore the phrase â€Å"up to†which is the most important part. â€Å"Up to†is a misleading statement that does not mean exactly the number that comes after it, but it means that, for example, the discount can either be 30, 20 percent or no discount at all. This statement is technically correct, but it tricks and misleads people by the number that allows.Advertising can effectively manipulate people by weasel words through many ways as people Just pay attention the words that come after the weasel word. Though weasel words perhaps the most common way of manipu lating people, there is another technique used in the advertising manipulation, which is the use of pathos. Pathos is considered as one of the most powerful tool that can easily change one's emotions toward something. Armstrong (2010) explained that advertisement can achieve the satisfaction of consumers when they use the product by using emotional element In advertising.Manipulate people through emotions Is an effective way to mislead people because people can't refuse or Ignore emotions. Let's take the example of women being concerned about their appearance. Not just that, but also what they are required to do in order to be perfect. Advertisers use this weakness to promote cream products in which they show women how they are going to look after using the product. They promote the ads in many places, especially In fashion magazines, as they know that women like to read this type of magazines. As a result, omen go ahead and buy the product beveling that It will benefit them.After u sing it, they realize that they have been fooled by the advertisement. The problem here is that they know that the cream wont change anything, but the emotional appeal they face forces and convinces them to buy it. Another example is the use of celebrities to promote a certain product. Advertisers use celebrities to try and play with their emotions. When a female, especially a teenage girl, sees her lovely celebrity wearing something new or anything related to the new fashion, she Is very likely to try to liberty ‘look and are given tips on how to ‘get her look†(2012, p 92).Moreover, they did not only find a way to manipulate females, but also they are targeting males. Even though men are less emotional, but when it comes to women portraying a product in a certain way, their emotions start to emerge. â€Å"In advertising, the use of highly attractive models is believed to be effective in increasing sales†(TTS & Change, 2007, p. 1). For example, my friend w anted to buy an off-road light from eBay. When he searched, many products appeared to him and all of them were at the same price. One of the advertisements was a woman carrying the light.Once he saw this, he was attracted to the advertisement, which made him buy this particular product and not any of the rests. Hence, advertisers know exactly where they can trick people, especially by targeting their emotions. However, though advertisements are known to manipulate people, it is important to know that it has a positive side. Advertisements can be informative somehow. For instance, there are many advertisements about health, government services, and new products. Advertisements create awareness about useful events and donation aiming.For example, as people know, donating blood is very important because it can save a life. So, through advertisements, we can know when and where we can donate. Also, it keeps us updated with the latest technology. For example, when Mercedes-Benz released the new S-Class model, they informed us about the new functions are included in the new model. After all, advertisements are here Just to inform us and tell us about the products and services that are available. Also it is a consumer's decision to buy or not because it is their responsibility to distinguish teen harmful and beneficial advertisements.But in reality, some people do not want to think before buying. They rush quickly after they see the ad without even thinking for a second. In addition to that, it does not make the advertisement innocents because they are really manipulating us to buy their products. They have to recognize that it is not ethical, and the government should censor the content of advertisements, which will prevent them from using the techniques that I mentioned above and also other hidden ways they use to manipulate us. In conclusion, advertisements have a negative impact on people.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
How Does My Interpersonal Communication Shield Impact My Everyday Communication Skills Essay
Being able to participate and take part in this project was very interesting. It gave me a chance to look at how others view me, how I view myself, and what influences me to be the person that I am. I’ve always been a nice and hardworking person. I love to help people, and I try to stay very positive even when situations present themselves to seem impossible. My family and friends along with my boyfriend all help influence the attitude that I have towards life. I’m a very open person in social situations, but I can also be very guarded about my personal life. I’ve always had a pretty decent self-esteem. I try not to allow others the satisfaction of forcing me to come out of my comfort zone and ruin my self-esteem. I try to stay out of situations that may make me feel bad about myself. I believe that my interpersonal communication shield impacts my everyday communication skills. From the nurturing people that surround me on a daily basis to influence me to stay positive and always be myself, to my defense against destructive cultural beliefs that help me stay encouraged to always be positive. I am most definitely impacted by my shield. There are also many things that I don’t know about myself, such as particular body language. I do many things that I don’t notice but someone else may notice subconsciously. This is in my hidden self these could be negative or positive. But I do know that they are reflections of how I really feel at times. In my private life I can be like a wall, I’m extremely guarded about my feelings and my business. I can easily self-disclose to my family and close friends as well as my boyfriend, although it is a lot harder for me to self-disclose with strangers and distant friends and associates. I can be a loner at times but I use my self- affirming statements to stay positive and keep my head up when I can’t rely on others to influence my attitude. They have always been a good resource when I feel by myself and need some positivity.
Education knowledge and the generation gap as per the short story a Essay
Education knowledge and the generation gap as per the short story a secret lost in water - Essay Example Although he stops short of outright ridiculing it, he instead believes that the level of learning and education that can be represented within the common rules of life and the experiences that a man can gain from working with his hands and using his mind at the same time are of a far greater benefit as compared to the â€Å"real†education that comes from experience and not theoretical understanding. Beyond merely telling a unique story, this particular plot and sub theme helps to show a level of disconnect between a generation gap in society. Ultimately, higher education is something that has only recently come to be promoted as useful for each and every individual in society. In years past, higher education was something that was seemingly reserved only for the upper echelons of the very rich were those that sought to further a specific career goal. However, within the current time, societal pressure encourages each and every individual, regardless of social stature or level of financial income to pursue higher education as a means of bettering their own life. In many ways, the†¦ Upon higher education and the importance of engaging with it has created a more educated society. However, as a means of playing the devil’s advocate, there has been a distinct loss with regards to the â€Å"common sense†that the father of this particular story seeks to promote. Du e to the fact that individuals are not out working in the real world during their early adult life, they are oftentimes insulated with regards to the commonsense understandings that they should have concerning the way in which the world operates. Ultimately, as a means of promoting education and furthering a level of understanding based upon the story that was read, it would be the recommendation of this particular student that the process of education should not only seek to impart valuable theoretical ideas and understandings with regards to the world, it
Friday, September 27, 2019
Analysis and critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis and critique - Essay Example Launching of the commercial for Ford’s the new redesigned 2013 Mustang was the first time, that Ford promoted its muscle car since it launched the Mustang V6 in the year 2010. This paper is an analysis of the 2013 Ford Mustang Commercial. The commercial was created to work in tandem with Mustang Customizer’s success, as well as the downloadable app that allows all visitors to build or customize their own Mustang. This can be done by selecting colors, decals and accessories to complement an already impressive design. Mustang car owners are a unique market with independence thus like their cars to reflect the personalities that drive them. The Customizer site pays homage to this fact about Mustang owners. The Ford Mustang 2013 commercial was mainly aimed at Mustang owners and enthusiasts. Conventional advertising normally revolves around the product not the client, thus by highlighting how one can customize their Mustang, the target was surely the Mustang enthusiasts. Com panies will seek to tout the benefits and performance of a product, seek to sell their items, and expound on how the product will make life better. Mustang owners are very passionate where their cars are concerned and, rather than just show benefits and features, the new commercial aims at attracting Mustang enthusiasts to the fact that a car is an extension of them. The commercial aims at showing all Mustang enthusiasts that they all have an inner Mustang just waiting to be released. The video commercial for the Ford Mustang was quite successful in attracting enthusiasts to its customizer site. Since the fall, the customizer site, as well as its apps, has been getting very popular, getting more than four million creations of digital Mustangs created (Karotki 1). This has been coupled to a sixty-two percent increase in the Ford Mustangs’ social network community, especially facebook. Facebook has seen a jump from one million six hundred thousand fans to two million six hundre d thousand fans. The app’s downloads have shot to over two hundred thousand, with twenty-five percent of all Mustang digital customizations occurring through a mobile application. The results are a confirmation that the potential seen by Mustang, creating a social platform allowing owners of Mustang cars to have some fun with the Mustang brand, was further enhanced by the commercial. The social platform also allows them to interact with each other and share Mustang design tips. The advertisement has succeeded in directing its customers to the Mustang site, which was what it set out to do in the first place. The commercial, especially the constantly changing designs and delightful color schemes, have allowed owners to build the Mustang V6, Boss 302 and GT by simply choosing from decals, wheels, trims, and various colors (Karotki 1). The Mustang enthusiasts have been attracted to the customizer page battle, by showing the power of interaction as the car cruises down the streets , where they can compete against each other. While conventional marketing might have dictated that Mustang utilize its revenue on promoting the Mustang’s revised design, the V8 with four hundred and twenty horse power, or the company’s history, they did not do this. Instead, the company chose this commercial to tout Mustang’s personalization aspect by constantly changi
Linguistic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Linguistic - Essay Example Although OED describes itself as descriptive by taking a more objective approach: allowing English users to utilize words according to which way they think is more appropriate; somehow, it is not as descriptive as other dictionaries like Merriam Webster’s or American Heritage considering that it subdues itself from adopting slang, newly-created words. For example, both Merriam Webster’s Dictionary and OED recognizes the word â€Å"skunk†; nevertheless, OED sticks with the original meaning while Merriam Webster’s Dictionary takes a new definition of the word which means â€Å"an obnoxious or disliked person†(Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, â€Å"Skunk†). OED claims that "it traces the development of English from the earliest records, and formally from 1150 AD, up to the present day" (Oxford English Dictionary, â€Å"Guide to The Third Edition of the OED†). Anyone can nod as to the looseness of the rules in this dictionary, but still, it has the slightest leanings towards prescriptivism. Acocella (5) asserts â€Å"the most curious flaw in the descriptivists’ reasoning is their failure to notice that it is now they who are doing the prescribing.†OED and other descriptivist dictionaries are becoming more of a trendsetter rather than an agency to respond to the changing needs of the society. However, OED’s belief that it’s a descriptivist dictionary but claims it â€Å"does include information on which usages are, or have been, popularly regarded as ‘incorrect’†may just be a sign that it’s not fully descriptivist
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Career Self-Efficacy Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Career Self-Efficacy Theory - Research Paper Example A new part of my entrepreneurial careers commenced as I opened a daycare center at home so I could both earn a living and also be near my children. When they finally were old enough to go to school, I resumed my IT career but I realized that I had been out for too long, and I needed to hone my skills so as to catch up, I worked part-time in computer maintenance, until I got a realtors license and started a new career. I have so far managed to juggle family, education and my realtor job and am finally at a point where I am about to complete my degree; I could either look for a job in the computer sector again or use my IT skills to develop my realtor career and possible strike out on my own. From my career trajectory, I can examine myself through several theoretical viewpoints that are concerned with work and career, Donald Super’s theory of living space and lifespan is particularly applicable since it describes a career trajectory in stages of occupational preferences and comp etencies that change as one grows (Savickas, 1997). His theory is founded on the concept of vocational maturity which can correspond to one’s chronological age since people move through a variety of stages throughout their professional life. The first stage is growth which involved the development of a self-concept as one adjusts to their needs and figures out their environment, the stage is normally from self-awareness to when one is around 14. In my case, I had already decided I wanted to be independent which is why I started working at age 12. The second step is exploration between 15 and 24 where one tries out various concepts before they decide which they will settle for; this was true in my case as I worked various jobs throughout high school and college before I decided to pursue computer studies.
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 43
Economics - Essay Example Globalization is the reason why situations mentioned above happened in the every corner of the world. Globalization shortens the distances between people and countries and makes foreign products approachable for people all over the world. It has huge impacts on both environment and the labor markets in positive ways and negative ways. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Decades ago when people were talking about the consequences of globalization, the positive outcomes always came up first to their mind. It is true that globalization brought us whom are customers a lot convenience and broader options toward products with relatively lower prices. Because of globalization Chinese people can buy European mobiles such as BMWs without going to Europe and drive it all the back from there to China. They can order it from China without even walking out of their house; and probably the car will park in front of their house the next day after they purchased. Globalization has huge impact on labor standards mainly because it has provided many job opportunities world widely. Many international firms have their branch companies overseas in order to expand their market and reduce the cost of the company; as a result of this many job positions are provided besides the jobs in the local labor market. Different branch company of a firm has different description of their work tasks by considering the different situations in different areas, such as the different cost of labor and capital. Eventually, the labor standard is specified in each area. Countries like China and India are mainly focusing on manufacturing which needs huge amount of labor and capital such as land; because of the lower cost of labor and capital there. On the contrary, countries such as Germany and United States are focusing on financial services and technology support, which needs people will higher skills. As a result the cost of labor and
How art has influenced fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
How art has influenced fashion - Essay Example Artists have actively participated in providing pattern and color concepts for textiles, thus physically influencing fashion through directly active design. As well, the links between consumerism, the media, and art has provided rich resources for editorial fashion. The links between art and fashion have become a symbiotic relationship in which each aspect is influential on the other. Art and fashion have had a relationship since the time of the Renaissance when renowned artists such as Bellini, Pollaiuolo, and Pisanello became actively involved in design through painting fashions, creating textiles, and designing embroidery. Pisanello, an artist for the Italian courts, was responsible for painting portraits of the aristocracy that portrayed them in the latest armor and fashions in order to suggest modernity. Princes could be portrayed as militarily significant in strategic warfare and from the perspective of current and innovative fashion, social status was represented (Mackrell 5). Through imagery, people of status could allow the public to create an impression of power, competence, social class, intelligence, and beauty as seen through the artists eye, which included the design of the garments that were portrayed. Fashion has been a tool for providing a context for modernity since that time, those of status and power denoting the course of that status and power through visual cues from the editorial of fashion. According to Polhemus and Proctor, the differences between fashion and anti-fashion exist within the modern, and the fixed and unmoving. The example that they use is the coronation gown of Queen Elizabeth II from 1953 in comparison to the Dior ’tulip line’ dress from the same year. The gown of the queen was painfully traditional, suggesting continuance and the stability of the status quo. It is anti-fashion as it shows no relevancy to change or growth. Fashion, on the other hand, represents discontinuity and the elusive reach for moderni ty, always stretching towards the next season of growth, both a symbol of the present and of the change of seasons. Had Queen Elizabeth worn the tulip gown, she would have been telling her people that a new era had begun, rather than assuring them that the old era was still in place. Fashion is about communication just as the medium of art is about communication. What the elite wear communicates their social position in the greater context. In continuing with the fashion story of the British Monarchy, Princess Diana, despite her many flaws, used fashion as a way to communicate her own position on the meaning of her role in the monarchy. Her connection with modern fashion communicated to the public that she was well aware of life from a modern point of view. While her charity and public service provided further context for her representational position, her relationship to modern, tasteful, and sometimes daring fashion allowed her to state that she recognized the current state of the world and believed in the importance of her role for change. Barnard states that â€Å"her image (was) of an upwardly mobile, modern, non-traditional young woman with an interest in changing and improving things, through her charity and humanitarian work†(19). Because of its role as an elite form of clothing, fashion, as defined as being symbolic of change and growth within society, is directly associated with the elite of a culture. Defining fashion is under the prerogative of
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Can the aesthetic give us insights into the nature of International Essay
Can the aesthetic give us insights into the nature of International politics How - Essay Example This research will begin with the definition of aesthetics as the philosophical branch of inquiry that deals with principles underlying and guiding the work of art, beauty, perception, and appreciation. As a philosophy, aesthetics refers to the study of sensory values. Aesthetics deals more with seeing and sensing the world due to its ability to assume sensory levels and collective agreements regarding a contemporary matter such as international politics and beauty. Since aesthetic depends on factors like time and culture, this research paper will seek to assess whether aesthetic us the insights into the nature of international politics. It will resolve to determine, if yes, how it can give those insights. Since aesthetics is a philosophical branch studying creations, it can help us get insights into international politics since there are created and formed organizations, corporations, and societies internationally. The whole globe is feasible through created worldwide international communication systems regulated by international organizations like International Telecommunication Union, Universal Postal Union, and Intergovernmental Copyright Committee that exercises worldwide connection and integration by means of radio broadcasting, televising material, transferred mails, and books. The world also composes of created global systems of transportation that involves international airlines that operate under the watch of International Civil Aviation Organization. Additionally, the world, through formation, has internationally regulated social norms that encompass a variety of states and international groups’ interaction. All these integral relations show the will of aesthetic in international politics because aesthetic provides a strategic platform for philosophical evaluation of sensory values (Holloway and Beck, 2005:79). As a result, diplomats and signatories are undertaking the policy of creating international value for each other’s potent abili ty. Aesthetics revolve around our senses and our responses towards objects, ideas, and agreements. Therefore, it is giving us insights into international politics since we can see, hear, and feel the sense of international relations where nations are formalizing many structural expectations, involving written international agreements and contracts or treaties bearing and defining the obligations and rights of the cosigners. The most recent philosophical research shows that, aesthetic is making it possible for us to have insights on international politics since it is presenting us with philosophical beauty of determining the importance of international organization. We can objectively point out that, through aesthetic, the world can see international representation of groups through formalization of balanced capabilities, interests, and members wills (Constantinou and Oliver, 2008:118). By use of this sense, we can understand that, an internationally created group is a point of equil ibrium where a balance of values and
Fashion - Mexican Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fashion - Mexican Culture - Essay Example The essay "Fashion - Mexican Culture" concerns the Mexican culture and fashion. The modern Mexican clothing differs in various ways from the traditional modes of clothing. The difference signifies transformations that have taken place in the Mexican culture. The traditional Mexican clothing was as a result of past generation’s inheritance. In simple terms, the style’s pieces used by indigenous Mexican people evolved with Spanish colonization. It possessed strong and vivid colors and used natural fibers such as wool, agave and cotton. The women’s typical clothing included a skirt, a rezobo, a huipil and a quenchquemitl. The traditional men’s clothing incorporated shirts and trousers. They had unique garments in a couple of things and also possessed numerous interesting details. The modern Mexican clothing, on the other hand, resembles most of the western types of clothes. However, the Mexican clothes may have more colorful character that adds on them a nati ve feeling. Other clothing may possess styles and designs with Mexican graphics and symbols. The aspect makes the Mexican clothing unique from many other cultures across the globe. In various ways, many Mexican individuals nowadays are more formal and conservative in the clothes they wear as opposed to their counterparts in the United States or Canada. Currently in Mexico, there has erupted a trend for the general Mexican public to make use of modern garments with great influence from the traditional clothing. The women have a tendency of wearing rezobos.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Please answer in short paragraphs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Please answer in short paragraphs - Assignment Example Health indicators can simply be defined as quantifiable characteristics of a population that researchers use as evidence to support the description of the health of said population. What happens is the researcher will use survey methods to obtain information about certain people in the population. This will be followed by use of statistical methods to generalize information to the entire population and finally use of statistical analysis to create a statement about the health of said population. Life expectancy is an example of a common health indicator used by the government. Cleverly et al explains that one reason for the continued rise in the cost of healthcare is the rise in the cost of goods and services associated with healthcare. These include workers and equipment. Another reason faced by hospitals is the total percentage of Medicare and Medicaid admissions. This is because neither of the two programs fully reimburses the cost of care. In a bid to reduce some of these costs, the current financing options, especially those offered by the government should be revisited. Regulation should also be put in place to counter the rising cost of goods and services used in healthcare. Gaps in regulatory design have been seen. Some basic regulatory functions may fail to be assigned to a regulatory body while others may not be underwritten by law. Research in India showed that weakness in the design of regulatory methods in the above-mentioned ways is the reason why regulation has failed.
Final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Final paper - Essay Example In our own argument we thought that was not well since beef is a delicious meal. However, after a reading in class, we realized the concept and notion of cultural relativism which stipulates that each and every culture is unique in its own way and there is no absolute or universal culture in the brief the conversation in rhetoric form was as follows. The next day, we resumed the discussion about other cultures in other countries and realized that somewhat our culture was superior in way. This was so because the things that we do in our cultures we perceive them to be the best and highest in the society. However, the reading we did in class that previous week dispelled our notion and opinion which stipulated that we were ethnocentric. The term ethnocentrism in the simplest and most basic sense refers to the instance and situation whereby an individual elevates his or her own culture over and above the cultures of other people (Perne 23). For instance, when a person believes that the things that happen in his or her life are the best and others are inferior constitutes ethnocentrism. In rhetoric
Monday, September 23, 2019
File Sharing & Social Media Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
File Sharing & Social Media Security - Assignment Example Data can either be collected directly from the customer or through the services offered to the customers. The information can be used to evaluate the eligibility of the customers for various services, participation of customers in various corporate events, for consistency with the law and for improvement of the services offered by the bank. Information cannot be shared outside the bank unless compelled under limited circumstances. Customers are protected from liability of unwarranted online transactions under the online risk free guarantee. These policies are updated from time to time. The Harvard Divinity School privacy policy can be accessed from The policy indicates that information is gathered when one applies or registers for a program with the institution, through cookies stored by their servers and from users’ communication. This information is used to tailor the website to the needs of the users, to improve their services, to generate reports and for research purposes. The institution bears no responsibility for cookies accessed by a third party to the information. The institution protects users against loss of information, misuse of data and alteration of the information. However, they do not give 100% guarantee to data safety. The policy changes from time to time. The Merchant privacy policy can be retrieved from It states that company collects information from browser information, forms and inquiries, gateway services and application of accounts with the company. They can share the information with a third party in order to improve their products and services. However, they do not sell any information to a third party but they can disclose it in order to comply with a legal process. They may use the email policy to
Diversification Strategies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Diversification Strategies - Research Paper Example The company is among the foremost producers in majority of the markets where it operates in. The products manufactured by 3M are delivered through several distribution channels including wholesalers, distributors, retailers and dealers among others. As of 2010, 3M had 80,057 employees, out of which 32,955 were engaged in the business operations located in the United States and the rest globally. For the year ending 2010, 3M generated net sales equivalent to $ 26.7 billion which was a 15.3% increment from the year 2009. The operating income of the company also increased by 22.9% in the year 2010 as compared to that of 2009 (3M, 2010). Sears, Roebuck & Co. is amongst the principal retailers in the United States, functioning in all the fifty states of US in addition to Puerto Rico. The company has very limited global presence and operates internationally only in Canada. The company merged with Kmart to form Sears Holding Corporation in 2004. The total revenue of the company in 2010 was $43,326 million while that in the year 2009 was $44,043 million. The revenue value of the company in 2008 was $46,440 and had been decreasing over the years. As of January, 2011, the company had 280,000 employees in the US and around 32,000 in Canada (Sears Holdings Corporation, 2010). Although Sears, Roebuck & Co was always primarily in retail business, in the early 1980s the company had diversified into real estate as well as brokerage services through its subsidiary Allstate. However, post the diversification though the performance of the finance segment of the company was reasonable, the retail group of the company suffered as it failed to respond to altering times (Monks & Minow, 2008). Diversification Outcomes of the Two Corporations and Reasons for the Different Outcomes The diversification of 3M into its six different segments had produced positive outcomes for the company. 3M is recognized for its aptitude to produce new products and generate new businesses. It can be subst antiated from the fact that 30 percent of its revenue comes from products developed during the preceding five years. The company had time and again extended its existing technological proficiency to generate a comparable yet innovative product. 3M’s success can be attributed to variety of factors, such as a corporate culture that promotes risk taking, a focus on resolving client problems, the utilization of extended and long-term goals, and independence of the employees to follow their own ideas. Furthermore, 3M consistently follows the system of sharing technologies and expertise amongst the different business segments. It also pursues a reward structure that recognizes innovators in the organization. Thus, 3M had succeeded in diversifying its business by leveraging its technological competence (3M, 2011). The Sears, Roebuck & Co had been struggling since the past couple of decades, trying first one approach and then another, looking for sustainable growth and momentum and a n improved image. As discussed earlier, Sears had diversified into financial services and specialty retailing during the 1980’s. However, after its diversification into real estate and other financial services, Sears could not maintain its performance in
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The sing glass, the singing art Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The sing glass, the singing art - Article Example It is also obvious from first glance that those sculptures do not seem to belong there on the car. There are almost no colors used in this artwork. The glass used is clear and the car is in dull white. There is, however, some appearance of fragility in the overall art installation. The glass sculptures are sparingly placed all over the car. The curves of the sculptures are very striking, and they are even more emphasized by the soft white light that illuminates it. They are cell-like abstracts in form. The dimmed surroundings gives off a hint of bluish effect on the light illumination on the glass sculptures. This effect gives off a serene mood, which is, at first, both amusing and perplexing at the same time. The rust on various places on the car is also emphasized by the car’s dull white color. Interestingly, even without immediately realizing the message of the artwork, one can immediately sense that the car is somewhat giving way to the glass sculptures. One would later on realize that the oldness of the car and the newness of the glass sculptures are part of the overall message of the artwork. Upon closer and longer inspection and reflection, it becomes apparent that Aoki is trying to depict bacterial growth on the car. The glass sculptures represent spores of fungi that seem to overtake the car. By this time, it is understood that the oldness of the car seems to say that old things give way to news growths. It could have a different meaning altogether, or it could be taken at face value --- where old things or surfaces become ideal places for fungi growth. By this time, too, it is understood that the light seems to say that these things (microorganisms) are usually unseen and ignored, and one needs to cast light over them to make them go noticed. Aoki might also be trying to say that bacteria are everywhere, but they are always unseen. This is just like the characteristic of the glass used. Glass is usually unnoticed, unless
Using Technology to Motivate Students in the Science Classroom Essay Example for Free
Using Technology to Motivate Students in the Science Classroom Essay Each year, more students are dropping out of high school. Students are bored and feel that they are not learning anything that is useful in the real world. Teachers are finding an increasing number of students becoming less engaged in their academic studies. There are public schools willing to bribe students to pay attention and make better grades. Instead of bribery, educators need to make the curriculum more appealing to student interests, develop critical thinking skills to be able to adapt and/or solve real life problems. Today’s world is full of media and technology use that can be used in the classroom to spice things up. This paper focuses on the integration of WebQuests, virtual video games, and virtual dissections in the science curriculum. Using Technology to Motivate Students in the Science Classroom Today, a majority of students are either bored, frustrated, or feel like school is a waste of time. Many educators find that these students will not complete assignments, participate in classroom activities, or try their best. There are a number of reasons for the lack of motivation in students including they may have learning disabilities, have bad experiences in school, fear ridicule from their peers, and or they are not learning about a subject they are interested in. Many educators find that these students will not try, will not complete assignments, or participate in classroom discussions or activities. Some students who seem unmotivated may have learning disabilities, had bad experiences in school, fear ridicule, and or are not in a class or subject they are interested in. Some of these students just sit there and daydream. While others become discipline problems by disrupting class and hurting the learning chances of others. Educators are constantly assigning detention and in-school suspension to those with discipline issues. Students who misbehave or have given up tend to have this psychological perceptive that they are compensating for their belief that they are stupid (Mendler, 2000). There are number of public schools that seem to be desperate enough for students to make better grades that they are willing to bribe students, not with candy or homework passes, but with money. There are public schools around the country that have used or are currently using programs that pay students to make better grades. Students who participate in these programs may make better grades, temporarily; however, when the cash incentives are removed the grades tend to return to their normal range. Most educators agree with Sullo (2009) statement that giving students bribes like this only â€Å"devalues education and learning.†Rather than using these extrinsic rewards, educators need to use more intrinsic system that relies on students taking more interest in the topics or materials covered. Pederson’s William’s (2004) study states that the usage of more problem based learning would work better as an intrinsic motivator. In problem based learning students have to set up their own objectives in how to solve a problem given to them by the teacher. This student centered method gives students more ownership of their goals and gives more meaning to their work. In addition, using students centered assessment, where students are involve with their own evaluation, helps students to examine what and how they have performed their tasks. Using a WebQuest Some researchers say that the way to motivate students is to cover topics that relate to real life. One way to make a topic relevant to real life is to use a WebQuest. A WebQuests are inquiry-based activities that were developed in 1995 by Bernie Dodge (March, 2003). This type of activity uses a layered process in which the learner uses the internet to facilitate the acquisition, synthesis and analysis of information. It requires the learner to take charge of their own learning, resulting in better understanding and retention of knowledge. A WebQuest is made up for six critical components: an introduction, task, resources, a step-by-step process, an evaluation, and conclusion (Yoder, 1999). When implemented correctly, WebQuests not only challenges the learner to collect and gather information, but to take the knowledge and apply it to real-life scenarios, relationships and processes. The task itself can be modified in length of time it takes to complete and groups, individual or coll ective. One of the disadvantages of WebQuests is the time it takes a teacher to create or critique a pre-made task. But as with any other good teaching methods, planning and preparation is time-consuming. Most WebQuest are free to use online. Any teachers can create their own WebQuest or use an already made WebQuest. There are WebQuest wizards available online that can help a teacher through the creation process. When using a pre-made WebQuest the teacher must go through the activity and make sure the information if correct and that all the web links are working. A science teacher could create a WebQuest that would have students look at water pollution in an area. The students task would be to research ways to prevent water pollution and ways to clean it up. A few examples of pre-made WebQuest can be found on the sites listed in listed in Table 1. Place Table 1 about here Virtual Games Current and past studies on student motivation have found that traditional instruction lacks researched strategies that could promote motivation in students (Dantonio Beisenherz; 1990). Most educators tend to stick to traditional methods of teaching to the text and having students memorizing facts. Instead, teachers need to use a combination of text, activities, and projects to better engage students. Discovery learning allows students to pursue their own answers to explain an event of what happens during a laboratory experiment is an intrinsic motivational technique. What is today’s perceived mind-waster could be one of tomorrow’s educational solutions. According to an article written by Greenemeir (2009), several educators are advocating that schools use video games because it promotes discovery learning via development of critical thinking skills that students can apply to real-life situations and enhances their understanding in math and science. Video games provide multiple modes and means that can be adapted to different learning styles. They often challenge the learner competitively in order to boost motivation and learning goals. Virtual games allow the learner to take small steps to accomplish complex tasks. Learners are often in charge of their own learning and are given feedback frequently. The Director of Future Learning Initiatives at Kauffman Foundation, Merrilea Mayo, cites studies that show a 7 to 40 percent improvement in learning when using virtual games versus the traditional lecture format (Greenemeier 2009). One of the drawbacks to using video games in an educational setting is finding quality games. Many games tout being educational, but just use superficial elements that do not actually teach content (Dewar, 2010). Educators need to make sure that winning is based on thorough knowledge of material. When creating an educational virtual game the game needs to be relevant and meaningful to the student, show that what is learned can be used in other situations, such as in real life. In addition, games need to involve the student in each aspect, motivate students by piquing their interests. Some games may require a fee, but there are also some quality activities that are free. Whyville, for example, is a virtual world that engages and teaches the learner through various constructional games, role playing and activities. Other examples of virtual games are listed in Table 2. Place Table 2 about here Virtual Dissection Another way to make the topic more interesting and students willing to do an activity would be to use virtual dissections instead of real, hands on dissections in the classroom. There are some students and/or parents that refuse to dissect a real animal for the sake of a science class. One way to get around this problem is to use a virtual dissection program. In a study (Lalley et al. 2010) performed on the virtual dissection software, V-Frog ©, the researchers found that students using the software did not learn more than students who did the actual hands on dissection. However, the advantages to using a virtual dissection can out-weigh any of the possible disadvantages. In the science class, students are able to do an in-depth study of the anatomy of both an invertebrate and vertebrate animals through dissection. Within a virtual dissection, students are able to repeat their dissection as a review; no one would have to deal with the smell, and of the decomposing specimens. In addition, by using a virtual dissection, students are not handling sharp objects or going to their next class like their specimen. There are multiple virtual dissections programs available via software and through different websites, from dissecting mammals, reptiles, owl pellets, to flowers. In addition, there are several free to use, online websites with pictures of the different dissected parts visible (see Table 3). By using online websites, a school can save money on not having to buy new specimens each year per class. In addition, students can review the material in places outside of school. Place Table 3 about here Conclusion It can be hard to motivate students, especially when educators have not been train in how to actually motivate students. Educators not only need to know how to motivate students but also in managing and coping with students who come to class with the plan to create as much disruption as possible in order to entertain themselves. More and more students are dropping out of high school because they are bored and feel that they are not learning anything that is useful in the real world. Educators need to make the curriculum more appealing to student interests, to real life events and problems. If students are interested in the topic and engaged in classroom activities there will be less discipline issues which might lead to less student dropouts. Reference Dantonio, M. Beisenherg, P. (1990). Don’t just demonstrate – motivate! The science teacher, 57(2), 27-29. Dewar, G. (2010). Educational video games. Retrieved from http://www.parenting Greenemeier, L. (2009, January 1). Using virtual worlds and video games to teach the lessons of reality. [Web log comment]. Retrieved from second-science/post.cfm?id=using-virtual-worlds-and-video-game-2009-01-01 Lalley, J.P., Piotrowski, P.S. Battaglia, B., Brophy, K. Chugh, K. (2010). A comparison of V- Frog © to physical frog dissection. International Journal of Environmental Science Education, 5(2), 189-200. March, T. (2003). In What WebQuests Are (Really). Retrieved from what_webquests_are.asp Mendler, A. N. (2000). Motivating students who do not care: Successful techniques for educators. Bloomington, Indiana: National Education Services, 7. Patrick, H., Yoon, C. (2004). Early adolescents’ motivation during science investigation. The Journal of educational research, 97(6), 319-338. Pedersen, S., Williams, D. (2004). Comparison of assessment on effects of learning and motivation in student centered classroom. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 13(3), 283-306. Sullo, B. (2009). The motivated student: Unlocking the enthusiasm for learning. Alexandria, Virginia: ASCD. Yoder, M.B. (1999). The student WebQuest: A productive and thought provoking use of the internet. Learning and Leading with Technology, 26(7), 6-9. Table 1. WebQuest Web Resources |Internet4Classrooms | | | | | |teAchnology | | Table 2. Virtual Game Web Resources |Whyville | | |Kinetic City | | |Planet Science | | Table 3. Examples of Free Virtual Dissection Web Resources |Cow Eye Dissection | | |Frog Dissection | | | | | |Fetal Pig Dissection |
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Wannabe Bank Robber Essay Example for Free
Wannabe Bank Robber Essay I was randomly placed in a group with five other people in my drama class; we were given several stimuli and were told to think up an improvisation for each. We did so and were then told witch of the stimuli we would actually be working on. We then decided that we would create a comedy about an unfortunate bank robber. The comedy started with the lead character Victor Watt (Tom) standing centre stage in a white spotlight telling how, if the job had gone to plan, he would be rich Victor then exits up stage right. I, who was standing behind Victor, turns round and raises my hands then lowers them while wiggling my fingers and making the noise bidlyboop repetitively to comically signify going into the fantasy flashback, the stage then fades to black. The music (Little Green Bag from Reservoir Dogs) and lights come up on a fantasy scene in which Victors job goes exactly to plan and more. (The lights in this scene are more yellow to the side of the stage on which the bank is. ) As he walks in three ladies (Julie, Stacy Claire) look him up and down and he turns to the audience and winks. He waltzes into the bank (up stage left) winks at the female bank clerk (Kim) and receives his big bag of loot. He walks out (centre stage) and is intercepted by a police officer (Me) that thinks hes Clint Eastwood. The music stops and the police officer makes the tune from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Victor looks the police officer up and down and asks what the hell hes doing. The police officer responds to this by charging at Victor who cunningly side steps to evade his attack, this sends the police officer into an overly elaborate frenzy of a fall. After the deranged policeman is left face down half way down the street, Victor picks up two of the three ladies that flirted with him before he entered the bank leaving one (Julie). This last lady walks over to the face down police officer takes a look at him in disgust then continues to smoke. At this moment Victor looks back and whistles to this remaining female, all in a fluster she stubs out her cigarette on the police officers back and runs off to Victor who gentlemanly lets her leave first as he caches a gander at her rear. The music stops and again I stand centre stage and make the same action to signify returning to the present then the scene fades to black. The lights come up on Victor Watt who again is standing centre stage but this time explains that things never relay go to plan especially if the plan is his and that the next thing you are to see is what relay happened. He exits up stage right, I who again was standing behind Vic with my back to the audience turn round and make the same gesture this time to signify going into the real flashback. The lights go down. The lights come up on the same flashback scene minus the music. Victor walks in with a ripped old jacket over his hand and looking much less virile. Instead of women falling at his feet he is falling over his feet. The ladies take one look at him and blow a lung full of smoke in his face. He turns to the audience and rubs his bloodshot eyes. He stumbles as he puts his hand out to open the front door to the bank but manages to catch the handle, pull himself up (this was done planed in mime but was not acted out in the final performance) then open the door. He stagers into the bank and over to the bank clerk. When he removes his jacket he reveals the gun he was hiding, he points it with an extremely unsteady hand at the clerk. He then tells her, with an even more unsteady voice, to give him all the money. She turns round and presses the alarm. Victor panics and attempts to shot the gun but pulls the wrong trigger, the revolver opens and bullets fall out onto the floor. He runs for the door but the police sirens are already right outside the bank. A voice comes as if from nowhere and says, This is the police, come out with your hands up! then the scene fades to black. The lights come back up on Victor standing in a spotlight with his head hug. He looks up and states that that was his story but not to worry he make his fortune yet. There is then an unseen voice that says, Come on Victor, visitor times over. A large man dressed as a jail guard steps into the spotlight in front of Victor, with his back to the audience he turns Victor round and puts on his handcuffs, he then roughly pushes him out of the spotlight and follows him closely baton in hand. The scene then fades to black and the curtains close. I think our play was fairly well written and fairly well performed but it could have been better if we had a better set and props. To add a conclusion I am over all pleased with the outcome of Wannabe Bank Robber. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Sustainable Township Development In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay
Sustainable Township Development In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay According to Paul-Marie Boulanger, the concept of sustainable development was originally same as the sustainability. Both of these terms were derived from an older forestry term sustained yield, which was a translation of German term nachhaltigerErtag since 1713. From various sources, it was shown that the concept of sustainability in the sense of a balance between the consumption and reproduction of resources was already been applied in the 12th to 16th century. Adans, W.N. (2006) said that, the history of the concept of sustainability is much older than what was expected. Since during 400 BCE, Aristotle was referred to a similar Greek concept in talking about household economics. The first use of the term sustainable in the modern sense was by the Club of Rom in March 1972 in making the report of Limits to Growth, which was written by a group of scientists led by Dennis and Donella Meadows of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ar Dr Tan Loke Mun once said that, greenhouse gasses and ozone depletion became household words following the Earth Summit in Rio, 1992 and since then, Green building ratings began to be developed all around the world. UK had developed BREEAM as their rating tool; USA had developed LEED as their rating tool; whereas for Malaysia, GBI was developed as Green rating tool in Malaysia. He also said that, the GBI Malaysia was introduced on 3rd January 2009 at the Green Design Forum which was held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. As stated by Jackson, T. Michaelis, L. (2003), the concept of sustainability can be linked to human development which was originated in the 1970s with books such as Goldsmiths blueprint for Surviva! (1972) and the Club of Romes Limits to Growth (1972). In the same year, 1972, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, in Stockholm put the spotlight on the reconciliation of environment and economic development. From what was told by Ar Dr Tan Loke Mun, after the realization that buildings and the built development contributes significantly to the greenhouse gas emissions, all the buildings and development needed to be re-designed to minimize the negative impact which will be imposed to the environment. By using GBI rating tools as reference, the final built product will perform better in its location while minimizing the negative impacts released to the surroundings during development. 1.2 Problem Statement According to Punitha Silivarajoo (2009), there are many negative impacts which arise from the current development skill. For instance, loss of income from polluted resources such as rivers and beaches, loss of ecosystem services, and the most serious factor is that, it contributing into the causes of climate change and global warming. Climate change can cause several chain reactions such as flash flood which happens commonly in Kuala Lumpur area. From what was told by our Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato Sri Mohd Najib (2011), the worst scenarios of climate disasters due to the global effects of carbon emissions and climate change should not be taken lightly. The building and construction sector which accounts nearly 40% of the worlds energy consumption eventually contributing to the climate change and global warming due to the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases which caused by the current development. He also said that, the Green Building Index Township Tool was introduced and implemented to set out a vision for sustainability within the built environment which provides guidance to assist the State and Local Authorities, developers, builders and professionals to deliver more environment-friendly and sustainable townships and communities. Therefore, this research was carried out to identify why the sustainable township development is being used in Malaysia nowadays as well as the impact of emission of CO2. 1.3 Aim To study why sustainable township development is being used in Malaysia. 1.4 Objectives To identify the reasons why implement sustainable township development in Malaysia. To identify what will happen in future if current development continues without implementing sustainable township. To identify what are the criteria need to be taken care during implementation of sustainable township development. 1.5 Hypothesis The sustainable township development is being implemented because it gives many advantages over its disadvantages as compared to the non-sustainable township development. The negative impacts from non-sustainable township development are eventually causing many problems to the environment. 1.6 Research Methodologies According to Kumar (2005), placing of literature review is one of the essential preliminary tasks when you intend to undertake a research study is to go through the literature in order to acquaint yourself with the knowledge in the field you interesting in. He also said that literature review can help to make a valuable contribution to almost every operational step in the research. As what were said by Richard Fellows Anite Liu (2008), there are two major types of data collection: primary data and secondary data. Primary data are sources which can be gained by the researcher as close as possible to what was happened during the event or time whereas secondary data are sources which can be gathered through interpretation or analysing of data and is usually based on primary data. From what was told by Dawson, Catherine (2002) in the Practical Research Methods, primary data is data that being collected for the first time; secondary date is data which have been already collected and analysed by someone else. Observation is one of the common methods which are being used as primary data collection. In this research, questionnaire will be set and distributed to the person who involves themselves in the construction industry such as contractor, quantity surveyor and architect. Example of the question that will be asked to them is about their thinking of current township development in Malaysia whether it is sustainable or not. About 30 to 50 copies of questionnaire will be distributed to the respondents. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 What is Sustainable Township? In regards with GBI (2012), Sustainable Township was defined as liveable places which meet the diverse needs of the community, both now and in the future. These places are providing a high quality of life for the people who lives, work and play there by being well planned and designed, safe and secure, and enhances the surrounding environment. It also mentioned that the basis on the concept of sustainable development is the balanced approached to addressing the environmental, social and economic issues. Sustainable Townships are integrated planned habitats which focus on the interior of the buildings, architectural design of the buildings, as well as the living environment by emphasize on maximizing energy and resource savings, the use and recycling of natural resources, and also promoting the public health and general welfare of urban population and reducing the negative impacts that surround the environment. Other than that, Sustainable Townships are also well landscaped and providing the basic needs or amenities for human being, for example, parks and playgrounds which can be used to improve the interaction and integration among the local communities. In response with the 10th Malaysia Plan, several steps are being taken by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government to ensure the needs of current and future communities by stimulating the rapid growth of urbanization which is expected to increase from 67% in 2010 to 75% by 2020. Green Building Index (GBI) and GBI Township Tool were introduced as advisable Malaysia rating system in promoting the Green Technology as a new driver for the economic growth of the country by offering tremendous opportunities and potentials in the economic regeneration, innovation and wealth creation. Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) and the Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM)s initiatives in introducing the GBI Township Tool (version II) are being appreciated very much as the green transformation can be taken into the next level, as well as in line with the Governments New Economic Model, which is to become a high-income nation that is both inclusive and sustainable by the year of 2020. According to TimothyBeatley, the word sustainability was derived from the Latin word sustinere which means to hold. Various dictionaries had defined various meaning of sustainability, but the main one to be referred here having the meaning of maintain, support or endure. For the word township, is defined as a city. Thus, by combining these information, sustainable township development can be explained as a development of city which can maintain or support longer with better quality than the other township development. From Brundland Report (1987), sustainable township development was defined as an development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. From the report, there are two key concepts contained within it: the concept of needs, which means to which overriding priority should be given; and secondly the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environments ability to meet the needs of both present and future. 2.2 Why Implement Sustainable Townships Development On September, 2011, our Prime Minister, Dato Sri Mohd Najib had announced plans for a Low Carbon Cities Framework and Assessment System to bring Malaysia into a low carbon economy and he made a promise that the carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 40% by 2020 compared to 2005. It is his aspiration to develop both Putrajaya and Cyberjaya as shining examples of eco-friendly townships and replicating it in other towns and cities across Malaysia. In other words, Putrajaya and Cyberjaya will be the first two Sustainable Township in Malaysia. According to Warren Kerlenzig, 2009, some of our biggest challenges in cutting carbon to reduce global climate change will be in understanding the system dynamics that the cities and other corporation or neighborhoods comprise. Therefore, GBI Township Tool was set out for Sustainable Township Development for sustainability within the built environment and to provide guidance that is able to deliver the Sustainable Townships in the Malaysia Context. A scientist in the 19th century, Svantte Arrhenius, said that gases in the atmosphere cause a greenhouse effect which affects the planets temperature. He had calculated that the carbon emissions from human industry might someday contribute to global warming, which is happening nowadays. At that time, the other scientists dismissed his thought as faulty. Since 1938, the level of carbon dioxide was increasing and raising global temperature. Then only the argument was found implausible. Researchers found that gases, especially carbon dioxide, which mostly being produced from construction industry, play a crucial role in the climate change and the rising level would gravely affect our future. Tony Cooper, 2007, said that there are different scenarios which cause the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and all of these eventually contributed to global warming. He also said that, the global warming is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, and 72% of the total emitted greenhouse gas is CO2. CO2 is created when fossil fuels such as oil, diesel and natural gas are being burned. The CO2 emitted have been dramatically increasing within these last 50 years and it is still increasing. The CO2 is being taken as serious factors in contributing to global warming because it can remain in the atmosphere for at least 80 years and can be up to 200 years. According to the recent investigation, if the global temperatures keep on increasing by more than 2Â ° C, an unimaginable catastrophic which will change in the environment is expected to take place. From the information above, it can be concluded the CO2 which released from current development will contribute to the greenhouse effect which eventually become global warming, which is one of the hot topic being discussed all around the world. Therefore, to overcome the problem of global warming, the emission of greenhouse effect must be reduced, and to reduce the effect of greenhouse, the most effective way is by minimizing the CO2 emission especially in the construction industry. Emits Contributes to Current Development CO2 Greenhouse Effect Global warming Causes Figure Negative impacts of current Township Development2.2.1 Impacts of Global Warming Global warming happens due to increase in air temperature. There are several chain effects which will occur due to global warming. Melting of Polar Ice Caps The deadliest effect of global warming is raise of sea level. When the sea level is raised, the polar ice caps will definitely be melted by the water. Ice caps are white in colour and thus it helps in reflect the sunlight, which helps in cooling our earth. If the ice caps are melted, the only sunlight is the ocean, thus the temperature all around the world will be increased. Since ice caps are fresh water, if they are melted, desalinization of sea water will occur. The sea water will become less salty, and it will cause species that live in the sea to face the problem of extinction. Increased the probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves As global warming happens, some areas of the earth will become wetter, but some other areas will suffer the problems of droughts and heat waves, such as Africa. Now, the water is already a scarce commodity in Africa, the global warming will worsen the condition. Changes in Seasons and Seasonal Characters Different areas have their own seasons and seasonal character. However, global warming will results in changes of these seasons and seasonal character. Most of the areas will no longer have the summer or winter seasons. Due to change in air temperature and rainfall patterns, the seasons will also be preponed or postponed. Spreading of Diseases Due to change in environment, many species may not be able to suit themselves in the newly changed environment and facing dead. Thus, many of these species will die and their corpses which are not taken care will cause new diseases to occur and spreading all around the world unpredictably. Some of these diseases may even cause death. Poor areas with poor medical facilities will definitely suffering much more than the others. 2.2.2 Merits of Implementing Sustainable Township Development Implementation of sustainable township development not only helps in reducing the carbon emission but also giving some others benefits. For instance, sustainable township development uses sustainable design which helps in maximizing the energy efficiency by using sustainable energy such as solar energy. This not only helps the residents to reduce their cost for electricity usage but also helps in reducing the emission of CO2 because CO2 is emitted from the usage of electricity. Other than energy efficiency, water efficiency can also be done. Next, sustainable township development helps in reducing the pollutions. Most of the non-sustainable township development will cause pollutions in term of air, water as well as sound pollution. In sustainable township development, all the industrial area will be placed on the edges of the township and is some distance to the residential area. This can help in reducing sound pollution caused by industrial area to the residential area. Other than sound pollution, air pollution problem can also be solved. Some more, unlike the non-sustainable township development, in this sustainable township development, the pollution will be controlled by introducing a clearer and practice of site sedimentation. This means that the water pollution can be prevented as well. Besides, more green spaces such as public park, playground, community run herb garden, and also recreational lakes will be provided in a sustainable township. This can actually create a healthy and lively community. It was said that greenery helps to release our stress especially when tiring after working for a whole day. Presence of lakes enables the community to spend their time over there with their beloved family during the weekend or holidays. The water quality of the lakes will be maintained at high quality all the time. One of the main merits of a sustainable township is the sustainable transportation network. The transportation network provided is well connected to all places within the township. It is an ease for the residential to go everywhere they want as long as in the township. In other non-sustainable township, the problems always faced by the residents are the transportation problems. The public transport such as buses and taxi are hardly available during certain period of time or at some areas. In sustainable township, the residents no longer have to worry about the problem of transportation as public transport such as buses and taxi is available everywhere from time to time. The road will also be designed in the best way to minimize or even avoid the traffic jam problem, which is also another problem that faced by everyone in the non-sustainable township, especially during the peak hour. When a new sustainable township is being developed, there will be many companies going to venture. Thus, the rate of employment will be increased. In addition, the residents in the township able to find a job which near their houses. Since the working place is just near to their houses, most of them will either walk or take public transport such as buses instead of driving, which will help in reduce the probability of traffic jam. 2.2.3 Incentives Given by Government In publicity of sustainable township development, two main incentives are given by out Malaysia Government. Firstly, is the tax exemption for green building user? According to GBI, 2011, any person who incurs qualifying expenditure (QE) to obtain GBI certification for a building used for his business qualifies for tax exemption. This tax incentive provides exemption on the statutory income which is equivalent to 100% of that expenditure. The qualifying expenditure is also known as the Green Building Cost Sum, which means an additional expenditure incurred in relation to construction of a building, alteration, renovation, extension or improvement of an existing building. The exemption can be up to 100% of statutory income for each year of assessment. According to the guidelines issued by Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM), any unutilised QE can be carried forward to subsequent years of assessment until the amount is fully exempted and this tax exemption only applies once for each building certified from 24 October 2009 until 31 December 2014. The second incentive given by the Malaysia Government is stamp duty exemption. According to GBI, 2011, the stamp duty exemption provides exemption on instruments of transfer of ownership of buildings and residential properties acquired from property developers and awarded GBI certificate. The exemption is on the additional cost of the property incurred to obtain the GBI certificate. According to LHDNM, the exemption is only given for the first transfer of ownership of the building and for sales and purchase agreements executed from 24 October 2009 until 31 December 2014 and once certified, the applicants can claim for the tax exemption or stamp duty exemption in their annual Income Tax return Forms. 2.3 GBI Township Tool To identify whether a township development is sustainable or not, GBI township tool will be used. The varies Green Rating tools such as GBI Townships Tools are being used to assist the architects, designers, builders, planners, developer as well as the end users to exposed themselves to the impact of each and every of the design choices well in moving towards to be more environmentally-friendly. The developer can take this GBI township tool as a reference before the commencement of development. 6 key criteria in GBI Township Tool Climate, Energy Water (CEW) Ecology Environment (EEC) Community Planning Design (CPD) Transportation Connectivity (TRC) Building Resources (BDR) Business Innovation (BSI) Figure 6 key criteria in GBI Township Tool 2.4 GBI Assessment Criteria for Sustainable Townships Development in Malaysia 2.4.1 Climate, Energy Water (CEW) To minimise the impact on the environment by practicing energy efficiency, water efficiency and sustainable development. These can be achieved by minimising the impact of heat island effect, minimising the energy consumption, and also utilising the renewable energy technology such as micro-generation. Other than that, the on-going production and consumption of energy and water will be balanced. In order to achieve the aim of zero net carbon emissions, the passive design principles are maximised, as well as adopting the onsite energy generation. Water efficiency can be achieved through the reduction of main water consumption, rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling. Grey water is water comes from the laundry machines, dish-washes, bathtubs, and sinks. It does not include any human waste or sewerage. This criterion holds a maximum of 20 points for the allocation of points in the Township Tool. The following are the key issues and assessment criteria: Heat Island Design Principles 4 credits Efficient Streetscape Greenspace Lighting 2 credits On Site Green Generation 2 credits Renewable Energy 4 credits Reduced Water Use 4 credits Reduction in Water Waste 4 credits 2.4.2 Environmental Ecology (EEC) The impact on the environment can be minimised by adopting several practices as well as preserving the site ecology and biodiversity. Respect and do not destroy the surrounding environment and the native ecological systems. Always be sensitive to the needs of the local ecology and biodiversity. Preserve and enhance the ecological value of the environment. This can helps in stabilising the land which will also reduce the impact during flooding. This criterion holds a maximum of 15 points for the allocation of points in the Township Tool. The following are the key issues and assessment criteria: Biodiversity Conservation 2 credits Land Reuse 1 credit Ecology 3 credits Flood Management and Avoidance 1 credit Wetland and Water Body Conservation 1 credit Agricultural Land Preserve 1 credit Hill Slope Development 1 credit Sustainable Stormwater Design Management 2 credits Proximity to Existing Infrastructure 1 credit Services Infrastructure Provision 1 credit Light Pollution 1 credit 2.4.3 Community Planning Design (CPD) To minimise the impacts on the environment and also to promote community connectivity and participation, the site should be chosen wisely and the space should be planned accordingly. The township is planned and designed for the benefits of the community who live, work or play there. It will be created using an integrated way to master the planning and the best design which emphasising on the peoples priority and also greenery. These can help in creating a strong sense of place for communities which will then results in a more livable and diverse neighbourhoods. This criterion holds a maximum of 26 points for the allocation of points in the Township Tool. The following are the key issues and assessment criteria: Greenspaces 3 credits Compact Development 1 credit Amenities for Communities 3 credits Provision for Universal Accessibility 3 credits Secure Design 2 credits Health in Design 2 credits Recycling Facilities 2 credits Community Diversity 1 credits Affordable Housing 1 credits Community Thrust 4 credits Governance 4 credits 2.4.4 Transportation and Connectivity (TRC) To reduce the impacts caused by transportation, affordable and sustainable transportation network will be provided within the development and linkages outside the development. The township will be a well-connected place with the services of varies transportation options to ease the community. It will provide an excellent accessibility, connectivity and are well linked to most of the districts. This criterion holds a maximum of 14 points for the allocation of points in the Township Tool. The following are the key issues and assessment criteria: Green Transport Masterplan 8 credits Availability and Frequency of Public Transport 1 credit Facilities for Public Transportation 1 credit Pedestrian Networks 1 credit Cycling Networks 2 credits Alternative Transport Options 1 credit 2.4.5 Building Resources Practice of sustainable construction to reduce the impacts due to consumption of primary resources. To lower the impact on resources, the more from less principle is applied. The need will be emphasized to maximise the use of highly resource-intensive materials through using a life cycle approach. The local materials and resources will be made good use for the construction of new communities. This criterion holds a maximum of 15 points for the allocation of points in the Township Tool. The following are the key issues and assessment criteria: Low Impact Material (Infrastructure) 1 credit Low Impact Material (Buildings or Structures) 1 credit Regional Material 1 credit Quality in Construction 2 credits Construction Waste Management 1 credit Site Sedimentation and Pollution Control 1 credit Sustainable Construction Practice 2 credit GBI Certified Building 6 credits 2.4.6 Business Innovation To meet the basic needs and requirements of communities by increase the employment through applying several innovative ways. More employment opportunities will be provided especially for the residents who live in the township so that they can work closer to their homes and places for business to be shaped and prosper. This criterion holds a maximum of 10 points for the allocation of points in the Township Tool. The following are the key issues and assessment criteria: Business 3 credits Innovation 6 credits GBI Facilitator 1 credit 2.5 Sustainability of Township Development Many people is concerning about whether is our current township development sustainable? Was our past township development sustainable? From the information I get, most of the past township development is not sustainable. So far, only some township development can be considered as sustainable after the launching of GBI Township Rating Tool on 29 March 2011. The most commonly to be known for sustainable townships are Putrajaya and Cyberjaya. Our past township development is to be said as not sustainable because the township development does not fulfil the criteria in the GBI Township Rating Tool. For instance, sustainable transportation is one of the criteria in GBI Township Rating Tool which should be fulfilled. Public transport should be easily available for the residents of the township. The road should also be designed to minimize the occurrence of traffic jam. However, most of the residents in the past townships are facing the same biggest problem, which is the transportation pro blem. They are unsatisfied with the provision of public transport such as buses. In addition, traffic jam occurs in most of the township. A sustainable township is also means a township or city which is free of pollution. However, air pollution and sound pollution are another problems that faced by the residents of the past township. The industrial area is located just some miles away to the residential area. This is also one of the factors which cause the traffic jam. Maximizing the energy efficiency by using sustainable equipment or sustainable energy such as solar energy is also another characteristic of sustainable township development. In the past township development, the maximization of energy efficiency is not achieved. Many of the residents still fully use electricity supplied by TNB.
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