Thursday, November 28, 2019
Case 2-1 Carson Container Company Essay Example
Case 2-1 Carson Container Company Essay Case Questions 1. What problems does Carson Container Company have that will affect its communications? Carson’s decentralized approach to procurement was indicative of its overall strategy toward dealing with its constituencies including employees, customers, shareholders, and communities. This decentralized strategy has affected the Carson’s communications. 2. What specific problems does Mr. Haskell have as a result of his communications to materials managers? As a result of Mr. Haskell’s communications to materials managers, over the next few days, responses came in from all but a few plants. However, over the next several weeks, the headquarters heard nothing from the plants about contracts being negotiated with suppliers. Mr. Haskell’s initiative to centralize the company’s procurement procedures was not implemented successfully, and the usual procedures for that time of year continued. 3. How would you analyse this case in terms of the expanded corporate communication strategy framework (Figure 2. 2)? The expanded corporate communication strategy framework has four important elements such as messages, organization, constituencies, and constituency responses. I would analyse this case from the 4 perspectives as the following: (a)Messages: The communication channel used by Mr. Haskell is memo and sent to 30 plant material managers. Carson as a large regional manufacturer in the United States, I think memo is not effective and strong enough to convey this important message to 30 plants. Furthermore, the decentralized and uncoordinated procurement procedures of the company has been carried for a long time, hence when Mr. Haskell intended to do a revolution, it will be more difficult. We will write a custom essay sample on Case 2-1 Carson Container Company specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Case 2-1 Carson Container Company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Case 2-1 Carson Container Company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this case, Mr. Haskell needs to put more effort on choosing the communication channel and structuring the messages’ contents. (b)Organization: The Carson and Mr. Haskell wanted to centralize the company’s procurement procedures and reduce the number of suppliers overall. The resources or Carson such as money, human resources and time needed to be considered during the implementation of the new procurement process. However, Mr. Haskell did not put consideration on the human resources and time dealing with this new procurement process. The Carson has 30 plants and many employees under procurement department; hence, it is not wise to have Mr. Haskell himself and his assistant, Patricia only to deal with the 30 plant material managers. Apparently, the human resource arrangement is not enough on this matter. Besides, the time chose to run this new procurement process was not appropriate because the time chose was the busiest period for procurement department, hence they would easily neglected the new procurement process. Therefore, the objective of the Carson and Mr. Haskell could not be achieved effectively because the company did not do appropriate arrangement on the human resource and time arrangement. (c)Constituencies: The constituencies in this case are the 30 plants material managers located in United States regionally. Hence, the attitude of the 30 managers towards this topic is relatively important. However, the results showed that the managers were too busy and they did not put much concerns on this matter. Hence, the objective of Mr. Haskell was not achieved at the end. From this we could see that Mr. Haskell did not analyse its constituencies carefully. He did not understand the material managers’ attitude and opinion towards the new procurement process. He failed in understanding and analysing the constituencies’ attitude, feelings and opinions which resulted in his failure of implementing the new procurement process. (d)Constituency responses: The constituency did not respond in the way the Carson and Mr. Haskell wished and they did not concern about the matter. The communication between Mr. Haskell and the constituencies has failed and definitely the objective was not accomplished in a desired manner. 4. What advice would you give Haskell to help solve his and Carson’s problems? I suggest Haskell to put these things into consideration in order to help solve his and Carson’s problems: (a)Constituencies and their responses: Haskell should analyse his constituencies including the primary constituencies such as the material managers and employees and also the secondary constituencies such as the suppliers. Specifically, Haskell should at least communicate with the 30 plants material managers to understand and research on their opinions and suggestion towards the new procurement method. He can do a survey or organize a video conference with all the managers to discuss about the topic. From the results of the communication, he could determine whether the new procurement method is a wise method and how he should carry out the new plan. (b)Messages: Haskell should put more efforts on delivering and structuring the message that he intended to send to all the material managers. He should choose multiple channels such as video conference, email, or intranet in order to deliver the message more effectively. A visual communication could be carried in order to increase the possibility and awareness of the constituencies. Besides, he could structure better of the message such as emphasizing the objective strongly and input some sentences that shows the much concern of the board of directors towards the new procurement process. (c)Organization: I suggest Haskell to set up a small committee who accounts for the whole research, implementation, development and evaluation of the new procurement process. This small committee should involve at least four to five professionals to keep track with the project. Hence, the new procurement procedure can be carried and improved in order to meet the objective which is to centralized the procurement procedure and reduce the number of suppliers overall. Besides, the implementation of the new policy should not be allocated at a busy or peak period of the procurement department. They should at least allow one month to each plant to execute the new procedure. Case 2-1 Carson Container Company Essay Example Case 2-1 Carson Container Company Essay Case Questions 1. What problems does Carson Container Company have that will affect its communications? Carson’s decentralized approach to procurement was indicative of its overall strategy toward dealing with its constituencies including employees, customers, shareholders, and communities. This decentralized strategy has affected the Carson’s communications. 2. What specific problems does Mr. Haskell have as a result of his communications to materials managers? As a result of Mr. Haskell’s communications to materials managers, over the next few days, responses came in from all but a few plants. However, over the next several weeks, the headquarters heard nothing from the plants about contracts being negotiated with suppliers. Mr. Haskell’s initiative to centralize the company’s procurement procedures was not implemented successfully, and the usual procedures for that time of year continued. 3. How would you analyse this case in terms of the expanded corporate communication strategy framework (Figure 2. 2)? The expanded corporate communication strategy framework has four important elements such as messages, organization, constituencies, and constituency responses. I would analyse this case from the 4 perspectives as the following: (a)Messages: The communication channel used by Mr. Haskell is memo and sent to 30 plant material managers. Carson as a large regional manufacturer in the United States, I think memo is not effective and strong enough to convey this important message to 30 plants. Furthermore, the decentralized and uncoordinated procurement procedures of the company has been carried for a long time, hence when Mr. Haskell intended to do a revolution, it will be more difficult. We will write a custom essay sample on Case 2-1 Carson Container Company specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Case 2-1 Carson Container Company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Case 2-1 Carson Container Company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this case, Mr. Haskell needs to put more effort on choosing the communication channel and structuring the messages’ contents. (b)Organization: The Carson and Mr. Haskell wanted to centralize the company’s procurement procedures and reduce the number of suppliers overall. The resources or Carson such as money, human resources and time needed to be considered during the implementation of the new procurement process. However, Mr. Haskell did not put consideration on the human resources and time dealing with this new procurement process. The Carson has 30 plants and many employees under procurement department; hence, it is not wise to have Mr. Haskell himself and his assistant, Patricia only to deal with the 30 plant material managers. Apparently, the human resource arrangement is not enough on this matter. Besides, the time chose to run this new procurement process was not appropriate because the time chose was the busiest period for procurement department, hence they would easily neglected the new procurement process. Therefore, the objective of the Carson and Mr. Haskell could not be achieved effectively because the company did not do appropriate arrangement on the human resource and time arrangement. (c)Constituencies: The constituencies in this case are the 30 plants material managers located in United States regionally. Hence, the attitude of the 30 managers towards this topic is relatively important. However, the results showed that the managers were too busy and they did not put much concerns on this matter. Hence, the objective of Mr. Haskell was not achieved at the end. From this we could see that Mr. Haskell did not analyse its constituencies carefully. He did not understand the material managers’ attitude and opinion towards the new procurement process. He failed in understanding and analysing the constituencies’ attitude, feelings and opinions which resulted in his failure of implementing the new procurement process. (d)Constituency responses: The constituency did not respond in the way the Carson and Mr. Haskell wished and they did not concern about the matter. The communication between Mr. Haskell and the constituencies has failed and definitely the objective was not accomplished in a desired manner. 4. What advice would you give Haskell to help solve his and Carson’s problems? I suggest Haskell to put these things into consideration in order to help solve his and Carson’s problems: (a)Constituencies and their responses: Haskell should analyse his constituencies including the primary constituencies such as the material managers and employees and also the secondary constituencies such as the suppliers. Specifically, Haskell should at least communicate with the 30 plants material managers to understand and research on their opinions and suggestion towards the new procurement method. He can do a survey or organize a video conference with all the managers to discuss about the topic. From the results of the communication, he could determine whether the new procurement method is a wise method and how he should carry out the new plan. (b)Messages: Haskell should put more efforts on delivering and structuring the message that he intended to send to all the material managers. He should choose multiple channels such as video conference, email, or intranet in order to deliver the message more effectively. A visual communication could be carried in order to increase the possibility and awareness of the constituencies. Besides, he could structure better of the message such as emphasizing the objective strongly and input some sentences that shows the much concern of the board of directors towards the new procurement process. (c)Organization: I suggest Haskell to set up a small committee who accounts for the whole research, implementation, development and evaluation of the new procurement process. This small committee should involve at least four to five professionals to keep track with the project. Hence, the new procurement procedure can be carried and improved in order to meet the objective which is to centralized the procurement procedure and reduce the number of suppliers overall. Besides, the implementation of the new policy should not be allocated at a busy or peak period of the procurement department. They should at least allow one month to each plant to execute the new procedure.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Review the education system essays
Review the education system essays Education is the essence of life. The primitive man was no better than a wild animal but that same man has now become dignified and coherent to a great extent only due to education. Education helps us throughout our life. An educated person is better equipped to face any kind of dangers or difficulties that come his way at various stages of life. He not only understands the problems better but is also able to derive more logical and enhanced solutions to the problems. An educated person knows his rights and duties and so does not sustain any wrongs done to him. Education being so important is given full attention to in India too. In India, the two most recognized patterns of secondary education are the CBSE and ICSE. Both of these are organizations that affiliate the voluntary institutions to the board. The affiliated schools are then required to follow a given syllabus that is the same countrywide. The students are then assessed by means of question papers provided which are prepared by the experts of the respective fields. This education system is somewhat good as the students are evaluated at national level and in a set pattern. But the system has more cons than pros. The worst is the presence of two boards itself. The problem is that an institute affiliated to a certain board considers any student of the other board to be below par of a student who is scoring the same in their board. This leads to the students being spellbound to a certain board and reduces the alternates available for higher education. Another problem is the syllabus. It is far too wide in scope and results in the students ending up studying all day and night long. This in turn starts to affect the health of the students. The syllabus has now, in many terms, become obsolete and the students are thus forced to study heaps of matter about topics that will by far not be of any use besides in school life. A definite solution to this is th ...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Classroom versós Online Tutorials
Classroom versà ³s Online Tutorials Introduction The contemporary world has witnessed robust technological innovations, which have significantly transformed most of the socio-economic and political operations. For example, information technology has revolutionized the education sector, and students can today learn comfortably at home without necessarily having to attend school.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Classroom versà ³s Online Tutorials specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With the advent of online classes, many stakeholders in education have conducted serious studies to determine its reliability and validity. For example, some studies have revealed that many learners are willing to attend the normal class sessions since they are skeptical about the quality of online classes. On the other hand, students that have successfully accomplished their online programs argue that it provides the best learning experience. It is against this background that this paper seeks to compare traditional classes with online ones. Classroom verses Online Tutorials Many students attend normal classes because they not only enable them to learn the curriculum, but they also give them a chance to share their learning experiences with their classmates and teachers. For example, a properly conducted classroom discussions and debates can motivate students to learn social skills such as teamwork, and they develop good oral skills during such sessions. On the other hand, online group activities are carried out through discussion boards, which in some cases are not very interactive. Nonetheless, online class interactions may enable students to relate with their colleagues from very diverse social cultural backgrounds compared to classrooms that attract majority of students from a given locality. A traditional class provides a holistic approach to learning because it enables students to develop leadership and teamwork. For example, a class representative or a student leader can nature his or her leadership skills. In addition, traditional classes also offer co-curriculum studies, which enable students to identify and develop their talents. Such activities have enabled students to become great sports personalities and musicians. Online classes do not have co-curriculum activities and students have to make personal arrangements to access such services. In the absence of such services, students can resort to online social networks and some of them may engage in addictive games like online gambling which may affect their level concentration in studies.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Traditional classes have restrictive learning schedules that are offered within specific timeframes. Students and instructors are compelled to adhere to the preset learning program. Some tutors are very strict to time management and usually l ock out late students. To some extent, this enables students to realize the importance of time management and working under restrictive plans. Thus, students that attend traditional classes are more likely to develop good time management skills than those taking online lessons. In the case of online lessons, learners have the freedom to learn at their own time, and they have flexible deadlines to accomplish their assignments. This enables students to cope with both their vocational activities and family responsibilities. Online studies are also convenient for students with serious physical disabilities who may find it rather difficult to cope with normal school routines. Nonetheless, upholding self-discipline is very difficult in the online mode of learning compared to traditional classes due to the absence of strict deadlines. The modes of communication in these two models of learning are quite different. For example, in a traditional learning setting, a student can pose a question and he or she can immediately get answers from the tutor. In the online learning model, questions are channeled to the instructor through the discussion board, and he or she may take long before responding. Moreover, some questions are debatable and may not be answered properly through online communication. Sometimes, individual communication will assist the learner better comprehend the response to his questions compared to conversation boards where responses are often short. Many individuals regard online classes cost effective since students learn at home. However, a characteristic home environment has several distractions, which can interfere with online classes. Children can interfere with online class sessions when they are playing in the house.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Classroom versà ³s Online Tutorials specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More â€Å"Even if a student lives alone, distractions may come in t he form of phone calls, trips to the kitchen and a compelling desire to check ones email just one more time†. With traditional classes, there is usually a serene environment for learning. Traditional classes are better than online sessions especially when learners are taking courses that are instruction intensive. For example, some computer courses can be learnt better through physical contact with instructors especially when complicated concepts are to be leant. In such circumstances, â€Å"an online course that is mostly text-based may make it more difficult for a student to learn the material†. Conclusion The above discussion demonstrates that both traditional tutorials and online lessons have challenges and advantages. Therefore, when a student is choosing a mode of learning, he or she should consider the affordability of a given mode of learning and the amount of time needed to accomplish it. Lastly, a student willing to enroll for an online program should first sc rutinize the credibility of a given online institution to avoid falling prey of fraudsters who offer bogus online tutorials. Globokar, Julie. Introduction to Online Learning: A Guide for Students. New York: SAGE, 2010. Print. Kearsley, Greg and Michael Moore. Distance education: a systems view. New York: Wadsworth, 2006. Print. Lynch, Maggie. Learning Online: A Guide to Success in the Virtual Classroom. Oxford: Taylor Francis, 2004. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Quote Sources with APA Referencing
How to Quote Sources with APA Referencing How to Quote Sources with APA Referencing APA style referencing is used for citing sources in academic writing in a variety of disciplines, including the social and behavioral sciences. This is important because, when writing a college paper, you need to show your reader how you’ve drawn upon past research. A big part of this is indicating clearly when you’ve quoted someone else’s work, as failure to do so could be interpreted as plagiarism. As such, it’s vital you know how to quote sources with APA referencing before you start writing. The Basics of Quoting a Source Obviously, most of your paper should be in your own words. However, quoting sources is useful if your argument depends on the words used by another author. When you do quote a source, you need to use â€Å"quotation marks†and give an in-text citation including the author’s surname, year of publication and relevant page numbers after the quoted text: Ricoeur is said to have â€Å"sought to separate his philosophical writings from his theological writings†(Sohn, 2013, p. 159). If the author is named in the text, give the year of publication immediately afterwards, then the page numbers after the quotation: Sohn (2013) writes that Ricoeur â€Å"sought to separate his philosophical writings from his theological writings†(p. 159). You can also give page numbers when paraphrasing a source, though this is only required if you feel it is necessary for the reader to find the relevant section in the original. Sources with No Page Numbers If a source lacks page numbers, such as a website, provide a paragraph number instead. In longer documents that lack page numbers, like an e-book, you may also have to provide a section title: Paraphrasing restates someone else’s words in a new way (Lee, 2015, para. 3). Long Quotations If the passage you are quoting is more than 40 words long, it should be formatted as a block quotation. This means presenting the quotation on a new line and indented roughly 0.5 inches. Block quotations don’t require quotation marks, but you should still give a citation. After the quotation, you continue with the formatting used throughout the rest of your document. This would look something like the following: Ricoeur’s position on Christian philosophy is summarized as follows: His reflections on the matter, however, were not merely an occasional work or a passing period in his thought, but rather it was an issue to which he would turn time and again throughout his career with each development becoming ever more complex and nuanced. (Sohn, 2015, p.164) Given this, we can come to the following conclusions†¦
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Macroeconomics vs. microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Macroeconomics vs. microeconomics - Essay Example Macroeconomics uses the general equilibrium theory to study the economy as a whole. The aggregates used by macroeconomics for the study include national income as well as output, the rate of unemployment and inflation level. It also uses some sub aggregates like spending on consumptions and investments and their components. Macroeconomics also examines the effect of fiscal and monetary policy. It can be characterized as modeling of sectors on the basis of some micro components. The factors that have the potential to affect the long term growth prospects as well as can affect the level of national income is not outside the purview of macroeconomic analysis. The factors that have such kind of potential include changes in technology, capital accumulation and growth of the labor force (Cencini, 2005, p. 2). The models of macroeconomics and the forecasted results determined using those models is in need for the government as well as for the large ownerships as this kind of analysis will h elp them in their path of development and build new strategies of business. Some of the famous macroeconomic models include Aggregate demand and the aggregate supply model and the ISLM model. The once divided fields of monetary policy and the business cycles led to the emergence of macroeconomics. The contribution of J.M. Keynes to macroeconomics cannot be ignored. His book â€Å"General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money†depicts the key concepts of macroeconomics. He offered a modern theory of economics which dealt with the problem on why the market is not clear and eventually a school of economists evolved who seemed to follow the Keynesian theory (Andolfatto, 2005, p. 2). Microeconomics It deals with the behavior of the basic elements within the economy. The agents involved in microeconomics include households and firms. It mainly tries to analyze the behavior of the firms and households with the market (Barro, 1997, p. 3). Microeconomics can be defined as the study of economics that analyses the actions of the individual players and structure of the markets where they operate. Microeconomics takes care of the private, domestic as well as the public players. The study relating to the interaction of these players in the market is called microeconomics. The various structures of market that is examined in microeconomics include perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition. Production is defined under microeconomics as inputs into outputs. Production can thus be defined as the flow of output over a period of time. The most directly observable attributes under microeconomics are price and quantity. The coordination or the relationship of price with quantity demanded is explained using the law of demand (Dilts, 2004). The law of demand is applied in microeconomics to determine the price and output in a market structure of perfect competition where no sellers or the buyers have the capability to determine or control the market price. Microeconomic analysis is applied by the business firms as they involve themselves in quantitative research and statistical methods with the aim to make strategic decisions. One of the objectives of microeconomics is to analyze the mechanisms of market. It sets up the relative prices amongst the services and the goods and also allocates the limited resources among the many available alternative uses. Some of the significant fields of study under this branch of economics include asymmetric information, general
How The Media Has Influenced in the Construction of the US Latino Essay
How The Media Has Influenced in the Construction of the US Latino Identity - Essay Example This study has been prompted by some of the urgent issues about Latinos and their image, portrayed by American media. By analyzing the way in which U.S. magazines covered Latinos, this study raises the following questions, such as what was the number of magazine stories about Latinos, what were the topics of these stories, what are the main themes found in the coverage of Latinos. This mounting influence the Latino community has in U.S. society coupled with the important role of the news media warrants a study that examines how Latinos are represented in U.S. mainstream news magazines. The study went on to expound on the portrayals of Latinos. Since the majority of the stories were about immigration, the study focused on how Latinos were portrayed in this capacity. Latino immigrants in these magazines were presented in a negative fashion and were seen as a threat and a ‘disruptive force in U.S. society. However, it must also be included that six of these stories of immigration and other Latino focused articles portrayed them in a positive fashion in a political capacity. This literature review has shown that in U.S. advertisements, Latinos are either being underrepresented, misrepresented or not represented at all in U.S. consumer magazines. However, underrepresentation is a poor marketing strategy as the majority of consumers are Latinos. Generally, Latinos are being represented in U.S. consumer magazines as blue collar workers like janitors or cleaning people as well as dirty and lazy immigrants.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
News Article Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
News Article - Assignment Example According to the report by National Center for health Statistics and the newspaper, data indicates a 76% increase in the rate of twin births in the US (BAKALAR). The article educates about the dangers of using fertility drugs. The fertility drugs interrupts with the cycles and induces hormones in the bodies of females. The drugs also enhance sexual activities leading to more sexual contacts and eventual fertilization. The most important poit to learn from the article is that the fertility drugs interfere with women cycles hence may increase the rate of fertilization. The article is valid scientifically and can be supported by various points. One is the fundamental reason that hormones, which can be induced or suppressed by drugs, control the process of pregnancy. This knowledge has led to increased use of drugs to enhance the process of pregnancy. The drugs have several effects amongst them being the multiple births. BAKALAR, NICHOLAS. Twin Births in the U.S., Like Never Before. 23 January 2012. 2013 . Two-thirds of the increase is probably explained by the growing use of fertility drugs and assisted reproductive technology. The remainder is mainly attributable to a rise in the average age at which women give birth. Older women are more likely to produce more than one egg in a cycle, and 35 percent of births in 2009 were to women over age 30, up from 20 percent in 1980. This age-induced increase applies only to fraternal twins, though; the rate of identical twin births does not change with the age of the mother. From 1980 through 2004, increases in twin birth rates averaged more than 2 percent a year, but from 2004 to 2009, the increase slowed to 1 percent annually. Joyce A. Martin, the lead author of the report, suggested that better techniques in fertility enhancement procedures may have
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Marketing - Assignment Example Students of economics are, of course, aware that in traditional economic theorising, the analysis of the firm and its behaviour is built upon the assumption that firms operate in such a manner as to maximize their profits. Economists, however, do not discount the possibility that there may be other objects of desire that entrepreneurs may pursue and try to maximise, for example, power, a quiet life, prestige, social service, and may be a host of others. But, so far no theory of the firm within the framework of a 'free market' economy has been developed on any one of the above premises. So the theorem of profit maximization continues to remain central to the study of the business firm. And profits can be made by a firm only through selling its products in the market. Market and marketing are essential ingredients in a firm's search for profit. Market positioning and the strategies adopted to gain an advantageous competitive position for selling its product will determine the firm's degree of success in 'maximising' its profit. In this paper we consider a few of the market strategies that firms adopt particularly, those of 'target market' and 'differential advantages' to secure an advantageous position in the market. We shall also discuss alternative marketing strategies and relate all to the market provision of education particularly by local authorities in UK. . . The general definition of a market is a coming together of buyers and sellers to exchange products or services or both and the concept includes both non-profit as well as profit-taking enterprises. Marketing is purposeful interaction in the market by sellers and buyers through exchange. Marketing is seen as activity that is distinct from selling (Fennell, 1987). Philip Kotler (Kotler & Fox, 1995) offers the following: 'Marketing is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of carefully formulated programs designed to bring about voluntary exchanges of values with target markets to achieve institutional objectives. Marketing involves designing the institution's offerings to meet the target markets' needs and desires, and using effective pricing, communication, and distribution to inform, motivate, and service these markets.' (p. 6). Target Market A one sentence description of a target market is that it is the market segment to which a particular product is marketed. It is defined by age, gender and socio-economic grouping. 'Targeting strategy' is usually the selection of the customers the firm wishes to service. The decisions involved in targeting strategy include: which segments to target; how many products to offer; and which products to offer in which segments There are three steps to targeting: namely, market segmentation, target choice and product positioning. And targeting strategy decisions are influenced by: market maturity, diversity of buyers' needs and preferences, strength of the competition and the volume of sales required for profitability Targeting can be selective, for example, focus
Monday, November 18, 2019
Buttled water Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Buttled water - Case Study Example The fact is that bottled water is operating in a very harmful market environment. This is especially true because the people who would be its primary consumers, such as health conscious people, also tend to be most acutely aware of the supposed problems of sustainability associated with bottled water. Many bottled water brands have good public images and popularity, but the fact remains that bottled water is an expensive commodity that people can easily get for free by buying home filtration units and a permanent bottle, such as aluminum ones that are becoming so popular. I would recommend that bottled water companies continue to support their primary product while simultaneously diversifying in order to be able to escape if the market continues to be more and more hostile to their product. Luckily, diversifying is somewhat easy. A bottled water company could make and market home filtration units with permanent bottles, building off of their brand popularity, and then marketing their traditional bottled water as an emergency or convenience item. They could also begin adding additives to their water, such as vitamins, minerals and nutrients, in order to make their product differentiated from what people could get at home. Bottled water, as an industry, may be on the decline, and i f that is the case companies need to prepare for the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Indian television in the era of globalization Essay Example for Free
Indian television in the era of globalization Essay Since its birth in 1959, it seems that Indian television has developed in a way that is similar to most of the world’s broadcasting sectors. Conquered by technological progress, particularly by the major advance that the introduction of satellite transmissions represents, the Indian television sector broke with its old practices to enter the era of globalization to which the opening to foreign players, the competition regime and the respect of commercial requirements are essential components. The successive evolutions that Indian television underwent seem to confirm Marshall McLuhan’s theory of a â€Å"global village†, which describes how the world has been contracted into a homogenized space by the media revolution. However, this simplistic vision denies the specificities of India as a culture and as a country, which became the specificities of Indian television. With 22 official languages, an enormous and heterogeneous population, one of the world’s largest territories and a tendency to continuously swing between tradition and modernity, India admittedly adapted its television sector to the globalized context but also imposed its restrictions and particularities. How did Indian television become integrated to the globalized media system while protecting its identity and imposing its requirements? With the successive evolutions – the technological progresses, the shift from an educational project to a competitive, consumer-oriented and profit-making market and the exportation of foreign programs and production methods – it underwent in the early 20th century, Indian television indeed got integrated into the globalized and transnational media system. As such it became a privileged target of know-how transfers coming from the West and a market of economic interest for foreign players. Heterogeneity constitutes India’s major specificity and its television sector could not have got established regardless to it. Even if it decided to enter the process of globalization, Indian television endeavored to defend and promote the country’s linguistic, territorial, social and cultural diversity. The Indian broadcasting space definitely does not get homogenized. On the contrary, it constantly reports the main oppositions that ceaselessly stimulate and drive the Indian population – tradition and modernity, local and global, urban and rural, well-off and impoverished. The example of the Indian television sector demonstrates that India is not passively affected by globalization but constitutes one of its major actors: it manages to make the country’s voice heard and to impose its requirements and its power of cultural appropriation at international level. BIBLIOGRAPHY DEPREZ C., La tà ©là ©vision indienne : un modà ¨le d’appropriation culturelle, De Boeck, 2006. DESAI M. K.,  « Indian television in the era of globalisation : unity, diversity or disparity ?  », in Quaderns del CAC, 202, no. 14 3-12. DURAND-DASTES F.,  « L’Inde dans la mondialisation  » in LEFORT I. and MORINIAUX V. (dir.), La mondialisation, Editions du temps, 2006, 235-256. JULURI V.,  « Music television and the invention of youth culture in India  », in Sage Journals, 2002, vol. 3 no. 4 367-386. KUMAR S., Gandhi meets primetime : globalization and nationalism in Indian television, University of Illinois Press, 2005. RANGANATHAN M., RODRIGUES U. M., Indian media in a globalised world, Sage publications, 2010. SINCLAIR J., HARRISON M.,  « Globalization, nation and television in Asia : the cases of India and China  », in Sage Journals, 2004, vol. 5 no. 1 41-54.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Challenges to Pradhan Manti Jan Dhan Yojana
Challenges to Pradhan Manti Jan Dhan Yojana A Study of Challenges and Problems Faced While Implementing Pradhan Manti Jan Dhan Yojana Shilpi Pal Dr. M.S.Khan Research Scholar Head/Coordinator (MBA M.Phil Programme), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (A Central University), Lucknow Abstract The biggest development by the NDA government in the year 2014 is introducing first social welfare scheme that is â€Å"Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana†. The purpose of introducing this scheme is financial inclusion launched by our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi on 28th August, 2014. Mr. Modi has come up with this scheme on his first Independence Day speech on 15th August, 2014 which is a National mission for a financial inclusion. This scheme is based on â€Å"Sab ka sath sab ka vikas†that is inclusive growth. The basic aim of this scheme is that every family living in India must have bank accounts and must enroll in bank with Zero balance account. This is the first step to bring out economic quality in country. This paper highlights the problem and challenges faced while implementing the scheme. Also try to point out basic reason not to turn all people for adopting this scheme although it is Zero Balance account scheme which will be opened in all nationalized and pr ivate bank. Keywords- Financial Inclusion, National Mission, Inclusive Growth, Economic Quality Introduction Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is National Mission for Financial Inclusion to ensure access to financial services, like Saving and Deposit Accounts,Remittance, Credit, Insurance, Pension in an affordable manner. Mr. Narendra Modi our prime minister has announced this scheme on his first independence speech on 15th Augst, 2014. The Objective of PMJDY is financial inclusion and intensive growth along with the improvement of economic status of our country. The aim behind PMJDY is that every family or household have their own account and can access banking facility easily so that everyone become evenly a part of country specially a lower section of society who may easily not able to get these facilities prior to PMJDY. The name Jan Dhan was chosen through an online competition on the MyGov Platform.Slogan of this scheme is â€Å"Mera Khata – Bhagya Vidhata.†PMJDY Account can be opened at Business Correspondent (Bank Mitr) outlet or at Bank branches.PMJDY gives the facility of Overdraft that is up to Rs.5000/- is available in only one account per household after 6 months of satisfactory carry out of accounts. On the first day itself 1.5 crore accounts were opened under this scheme. Then around 12.58 crore accounts were opened by 28th January, 2015. Joint account can also be opened under this scheme. The scheme has been started with a target to provide universal access to banking facilities starting with Basic Banking Accounts with overdraft facility of Rs.5000 after six months andRuPayDebit card with inbuilt accident insurance cover of Rs. 1 lakh and RuPay Kisan Card. Literature Review Dr.Anupama Sharma and Ms. Susmita Kukreja has discussed in their paper that â€Å"The study focuses on the role of financial inclusion, in strengthening the India’s position in relation to other countries economy. For analyzing such facts data for the study has been gathered through secondary sources including report of RBI, NABARD, books on financial inclusion and other articles written by eminent authors. Dr.G.H. Barhate and Ms. V.R.Jagtap has include includes study of various financial inclusion and to evaluate progress and current status of financial inclusion of the State in their research paper C. Paramasivan and V. Ganeshkumar discussed in his ppaper that Financial inclusion is aimed at providing banking and financial services to all people in a fair, transparent and equitable manner at affordable cost. This paper is an attempt to discuss the overview of financial inclusion in India. Objectives of the Study The basic objectives of my study are: To Know the reason behind introducing Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana(PMJDY) To recognize awareness among people for this financial inclusion. To understand the problems and challenges faced in implementing PMJDY. To find out effect on banking sector after adopting this financial inclusion. Research Methodology My study is purely based on secondary data which include, Existing Articles, Newspapers, websites, online articles and Research Paper published in different journals. Through these secondary data and information available I have done my research on green advertising so deeply to meet up with the objective of the study. Result and Discussions It is good initiation for the purpose of financial inclusion and economic growth. Many have found positive aspect behind the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana specially the lower segment of country who feels more comfortable now as they easily take step in banking sector and have their own accounts with special facilities like Overdraft facility, RuPay card, Kisan card facility etc. Source: Challenges and Problems faced by PMJDY Implementation- The Connectivity Challenge – As we know around 68% of population lives in rural areas which need to be connected through complete banking system to avail this facility which is huge business potential for the banking sector .But it throws up connectivity-related challenges that need to be addressed in rural areas. Lack of physical and digital connectivity is posing a major hurdle in achieving financial inclusion for rural India. Technological Issue- The technological issues affecting banks from poor connectivity, networking and bandwidth problems to managing costs of maintain infrastructure especially in rural areas. To meet the increasing demands for banking services, banks often depend on passive optical network connectivity, for which they end up paying high costs to internet service providers. Infrastructure of banks in rural areas- It is about the connectivity in banking system. The connections in rural areas are not reliable and fall shorts on bandwidth. An alternative option must be adopted to connect in rural areas branches through satellite links. Banking through WAN or internet link of lower bandwidth at remote locations repeatedly suffers with video delays, slow browsing, slow file transfer, slow upload and download of files, failing to meet the demands of account holders at particular time. Are really people who don’t have account will turn around – This is the one of the major problem as most of the people are aware of it but still they are not turning into bank account user may be because they are not still understand the proper channel of opening bank account under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna. Gender Gap- There is major gender gap in banking sector; by 2012 for every 1,000 deposit accounts in the name of men, just 394 were opened in the name of women. Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat were even worse than the national banking sex ratio, while Delhi and the four southern States were better. ATM Network-People may face problem due to ATM in rural areas as there is low network of ATM so people are not well know how to use ATM. New account opening Creating new account is not challenge but transaction of this account is a challenge. As staff which is already there may find pressure if there is lot of people come with the problem at a time. Procedure not clear Most of the people are aware but still so many are not turned around as they are not understanding the proper procedure of opening account and required document at a time. Coverage of Difficult areas Many areas like parts of North East, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu Kashmir etc. are facing challenges of infrastructure and telecom connectivity . In these areas all household may not be fully covered under campaign Brand Awareness and sensitization- Customer must get proper awareness about the PMJDY and their benefit after opening account. All thing must clear to customer and made aware that overdraft of up to ` 5,000/- to be provided in their account is a credit facility which needs to be repaid in order to get fresh limits and is not a grant. Findings During research I found the major challenges and problem faced while Implementation of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana which is discussed above under the heading of challenges and problems. Still there are few points which need to be taken into consideration- It is not clear that those customers who have existing saving accounts without RuPay card will get other benefit or not. No clarity on that which has already accounts before announcement of accidental insurance coverage will get this benefit of 1 lakh accidental insurance coverage. Customers are not able to follow proper channel of opening account as they are not much aware about the procedure and benefits to the account holder. No awareness to the customers who will be going to wear bill of insurance premium and cost to keep account running. Banking staff may feel pressure as so many accounts are opening under this scheme. Suggestions There are lots of activities are going around so that everyone get aware about it and must open account under this who don’t have account in the bank and for those who may face problem in opening bank account prior to PMJDY. Awareness program is going through proper channel like Print Media, T.V, Radio, Banner and poster almost outside every bank etc. The result has been seen positive and almost everyone has opened account. But bank in rural areas are facing few problem like low connectivity, Less ATM machines etc. For this reason there are few suggestions which need to implement for the better banking service in the remote locations and they are- Bank must switch to WAN Optimization- Banks need to switch to WAN Optimization Controllers that support tunneling protocol/storage protocol capable of accelerating remote application delivery, thereby speeding up the delivery of banking services. WAN optimization controllers speed up data transfers and reduce application response time over wide area networks by reducing the amount of traffic transmitted between remote offices and between remote locations. This helps banks increase application response time significantly. Facilitate more ATM in remote locations- As in rural areas we see few ATM due to which everyone may not access ATM so much and they don’t know how to use. So, if everyone has account under PMJDY means they carry RuPay card and debit card for that purpose they need to access ATM machines. Awareness Campaign in Rural Areas- There should be proper awareness programs in remote locations about the PMJDY so that everyone must aware about the benefit and need of opening account and they must open account to run with economy. Bankers must give proper information about documentation and other facilities- People must aware about the document needed while opening account and if document is not there then other alternative way for opening account and other benefits related to the account opening like overdraft facility, accidental insurance etc. must be told to the person. As many people think if they don’t have single document they are not able to open the account but under PMJDY there is alternative solution to this problem but people are not aware about this. So banker must take interest and tell detail about it. Conclusion For the financial inclusion and economic growth this turn to be one of the best initiatives under which everyone can enjoy the banking facility as well as economic parity among everyone. It has turned into positive response where public sector players has opened 11.5 crore accounts under PMJDY covering 99.74 households and paving the way for transfer of over Rs 65,000 crore of subsidies and other transfers directly into these accounts. Almost every Indian is now into banking system expects inaccessible households of remote location. After one of the survey it come out thet out of 21.05 crore households, 20.99 crore have access to bank facility. As new technology introduced by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), a person can transfer funds, check balance through a normal phone which was earlier limited only to smart phones so far. Mobile banking for the poor would be available through National Unified USSD Platform (NUUP) for which all banks and mobile companies have come t ogether. For better acceleration in rural areas of banking sector these steps are taken by which an account holder feels comfortable in running account very well. References Sharma Anupam and Kukereja Sushmita (2013) .An Analytical study: Relevence of Financial Inclusion for developing nations. International Journal of Engeneering And Science, PP15-20 Paramasivan C. and Ganeshkumar V. (2013).Overview of Financial Inclusion in India. International Journals of Management and Development Studies 2(3) PP45-49 Barhate G.H. and Jagtap V.R. (2014).Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana: National Mission on Financial Inclusion. Indian Journal Of Applied Research 4(12) PP340-342
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Greenland Shark Essay -- science
The Greenland Shark Sharks live in almost every part of the oceans, from coastal environments to deep-sea habitats. They also live in the warm waters of the tropics to the cold frigid waters of the polar region. The Greenland shark, also known as â€Å"somniousus Microcephalus,†lives in the dark, cold waters of the North Atlantic (I 65). The Greenland shark belongs to the order Squaliforms, more usually known as dogfish sharks. There are 70 species in this order, which includes the spied sharks, spiny dogfish, Sleeper sharks and lantern fish (I 50). Greenland Shark Classification: Kingdom: Anamalia Phylum: Cordates (possessing a notochord) Sub Phylum: Vertebrates (possessing a back bone) Super Class: Gnathostomata (jawed vertebrates) Class: Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous skeleton) Subclass: Elasmobranchas (ribbon like gills) Super Order: Selachii or Selachimopha (shark shaped) Order: Sqauliforms Family: Sqaulidea Species: somniousus Microcephalus (I 185) The shark’s habitat largely depends on the water temperature this allows its habitat that ranges from the Polar latitudes to the North Sea in the east and the St. Lawrence River in the West. The Greenland shark has also wonders south as far as the waters off Cape Hatteras and has also been found in the Gulf of Maine. The shark usually lives in cool water ranging from 2-7deg Celsius (II 63). However the sharks has also been found in the waters in the Artic Circle. (I 65) Typically the Greenland sharks live at extreme depths. In the winter months the Greenland sharks can be found at the surface and at the edges of ice burgs and glaciers. The sharks will also enter fjords during these months. However in the warmer months of summer, the sharks dives back to depths and lives at an average depth of 100-400 fathoms and has been caught in water as deep as 600 fathoms (II 63). Depending on season and water temperature, the shark’s habitat moves. The diet of a Greenland will eat almost anything that it will come across. With its slow swimming body plan, it includes bottom living shellfish, but it also hunts seals, porpoises and other small whales and sea birds at the surface in its diet (I 65). These sharks also eats many kinds of fish, such as capelin, char, herring, halibut, lumpfish and even salmon. There has even been fast swimming fish found with its tail bitten off inside ... ...heir vision is not needed at that depth in the dark water (I 77). These parasites might actually help the sharks. These parasites are biolumiscent and they might attract those fast swimming fish to the oral side of the shark. With out these parasites it is possible that the sharks could not catch as many fish as it does, due to its slow speed. On top of the parasites on its eyes, the Greenland shark also has poisonous flesh. To get rid of the poison n order to eat it, the flesh must be boiled and dried several times (II 63). If the meat is not prepared correctly, it can cause, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, tingling and burning sensation of tongue, throat and esophagus. It can also cause muscular cramps, respiratory distress, coma and death (III Vol 25, 905). This shark may not kill you when it’s alive, but you have to careful when it’s dead. References 1. Parker, Steve and Jane. The Encyclopedia fo Sharks. A Firefly Book: Buffalo, 1999. 2. Castro, Jose. THe Sharks of the North American Waters. Texas Univerisity Press: US, 1983. 3. Britanica, 15th Edition. Micropedia: Chicago, 1990. 4. Allen, Thomas B. The Shark Almanac. Lyoness Press: NY, 1999.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Old Ball Game :: essays research papers fc
The Old Ball Game An American dream can be defined through an examination of the American lifestyle, and by picking out the most common themes. The most common themes Americans associate with are the basics: graduating at the top of the class, finding a high-paying job, settling down with the perfect spouse, a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence, two children running through the yard chasing the dog and of course apple pie and baseball. Yes, baseball is considered by many to be part of the American dream. It is through baseball that many can relive their childhood. It has been the one daily and constant event that the American society depends on to be there during every summer night. The annual fall classic, the World Series, catches the attention of the entire country. Like the New York Yankees, baseball has become a part of America. After World War II, many countries were completely demolished physically and mentally. Among these countries was Japan. Countless numbers of Japanese people were dead, and land, buildings, and entire cities were destroyed. For the first time in Japan's history, their "God" had spoken to the public destroying his immortal reputation. During the postwar years, Japan looked to the major powers of the world to develop a foundation for a new country. Included in this foundation was a need for new ideas and dreams. Of course Japan did not completely erase thousands of years of tradition and culture, but Japan did take many international ideas and transformed them into her own. In the Movie Mr. Baseball, a Japanese woman describes Japan's borrowing techniques. "Japan takes the best from all over the world and makes it Hers" (Welles). Included in the world powers of the time was America; therefore, Japan borrowed several ideas from the United States. One such idea just happened to be America's National pastime, baseball. The history of Japanese baseball dates back to the middle 1800's. They "adopted baseball from the U.S. as early as 1873" (Constable 23), but the spark for baseball ignited during the post war occupational years. A foreign student from Japan explains, "The thousands of American troops stationed in Japan after the war kindled the passion for baseball that was lacking before the war" (Akutsu). The American soldiers showed the Japanese the American ways of baseball, and the popularity of Japanese baseball has skyrocketed from that time on. Baseball in Japan has reached the top level with its professional standings. Many other countries throughout the world have tried to establish the American sport of baseball but "Japan is the only country in the world to have
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Encourage Contact Between Students And Faculty Education Essay
In the universe, an country that has seen much investing is education. Knowledge or instruction was considered the â€Å" 3rd oculus †of adult male which gives him an penetration into all personal businesss. So many people from different age group spend a batch of their clip, money and attempts in prosecuting instruction in assorted establishments of larning. Old ages spent in primary, secondary schools, colleges and universities are about have a life-time in this instance, hence returns from such an investing should be high plenty to justify such attempt. Education is an investing to development, and hapless survey methods should non compromise the authorization of higher instruction establishment to bring forth, continue and circulate cognition and bring forth high quality alumnuss. Universities admit pupils with changing backgrounds in footings of learning/study manners, degrees of readiness and constructs of university instruction. Some were â€Å" drilled †, taug ht for tests, or have incorrect purpose / values of university acquisition. These negatively have impact on their survey accomplishments and accomplishment. In complementing the function played by academic staffs, pupils need to be witting of their survey personality and survey moralss as they influence analyzing. It is ineffectual to learn good while pupils lack the basicss to gestate and internalise the new cognition. Many times, college pupils have non had to pull off their clip expeditiously prior to college because they are bright and seldom challenged in high school. So some pupils who had ‘A ‘s and ‘B ‘s start receiving auxiliary tests and score C ‘s and D ‘s in college. Harmonizing to the National Commission on Excellence in Education ( 1984 ) , many pupils are unsuccessful in school because they lack effectual survey accomplishments. To counter this, the committee recommends that survey accomplishments be introduced to pupils really early in the schooling procedure and go on throughout a pupil ‘s educational calling. In a now authoritative survey of survey accomplishments, ( Entwistle, 1960 ) reported that pupils who voluntarily took a survey accomplishments class were more successful academically than similar pupils who did non voluntarily take the class. ( butcofsky, 1971 ) reported that pupils who have trouble in college often have unequal survey wonts that affect their academic accomplishment. A cardinal job, he noted, was that many of these pupils had non learned how to take effectual notes and manage clip for analyzing. To achieve an effectual survey in higher instruction we sometimes need guidelines and have to follow some certain regulations. We need to hold contact with pupils in our categories and module, as pupils and module members ; we have spent most of our school lives seeking to understand ourselves, and our establishments. And have conducted a small research on higher instruction with dedicate d pupils in a broad scope of schools. We draw the deductions of this study, trusting to assist us all do better, as we emphasizes clip on undertaking, respect diverse endowments and ways of acquisition, promote active acquisition, communicate high outlooks and several of them. But the ways different establishments implement good pattern depends really much on their pupils and their fortunes. In what follows, we describe several different attacks to good pattern that have been used in different sorts of scenes in the last few old ages.2.0 ECOURAGE CONTACT BETWEEN STUDENTS AND FACULTYFrequent student-faculty contact in and out of categories is the most of import factor in pupil motive and engagement. Faculty concern helps pupils get through unsmooth times and maintain on working. Knowing a few module members good enhances pupils ‘ rational committedness and encourages them to believe about their ain values and future programs. Forming seminars for freshers on of import subjects and these subjects will be taught by senior module members, this helps in set uping an early connexion between the fresh and senior pupils and the module in many colleges and universities. Faculty members who lead treatment groups in classs outside their Fieldss of specialisation theoretical account for pupils what it means to be a scholar. ( Arthur & A ; Zelda, 1987 ) In the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, three out of four undergraduates have joined three-fourthss of the module as junior research co-workers in recent old ages. At Sinclair Community College, pupils in the â€Å" College without Walls †plan have pursued surveies through larning contracts. Each pupil has created a â€Å" resource group, ‘ which includes a module member, a pupil equal, and two â€Å" community resource †module members. This group so provides support and assures quality3. 0 DEVELOPS RECIPROCITY AND COOPERATION AMONG STUDENTSLearning is enhanced when it is more like a squad attempt than a solo race. Good acquisition, like good work, is collaborative and societal, non competitory and stray. Working with others frequently increases engagement in larning. Sharing one ‘s ain thoughts and reacting to others ‘ reactions sharpens believing and deepens understanding. Even in big talk categories, pupils can larn from one another. Learning groups are a common pattern, in which five to seven pupils run into on a regular basis during category throughout the term to work out jobs set by the teacher. Many colleges use peer coachs for pupils who need particular aid. Learning communities are another popular manner of acquiring pupils to work together. Students involved in Learning Communities can take several classs together. The classs, on subjects related to a common subject like scientific discipline, engineering, and human values, are from different subjects. Faculties learning the classs coordinate their activities while another module member, called a â€Å" maestro scholar: ‘ takes the classs with the pupils. Under the way of the maestro scholar, pupils run a seminar which helps them incorporate thoughts from the separate classs.4.0 MotivationAcademic success or failure can bring forth the feelings of competency or incompetency in pupils. These feelings can impact pupils ‘ public presentations by their willingness to go on to larn or give up. ( Haynes, 1993 ) â€Å" It is believed that pupils who have high accomplishment outlooks attribute success to internal and external causes †. There are several schemes that can be used to actuate pupils to larn. ( Tonjes & A ; Zintz, 1981 ) ( 1 ) â€Å" Identify pupil ‘s involvements and taking stuffs that meet the involvements, abilities, and attitudes of the pupils †. Teachers should be able to place what the pupils are interested in so they can assist them take actuate them on geting that involvement. ( 2 ) Give clear aims of the lessons and assignments. ( 3 ) ( Mutsotso & A ; Abenga, 2010 ) â€Å" Allow pupils to take the undertaking and stuffs to finish the undertaking †.5.0 COMMUNICATE HIGH EXPECTATIONExpect more and you will acquire more. High outlooks are of import for everyone, for the ill prepared, for those unwilling to exercise themselves, and for the bright and well-motivated. Expecting pupils to execute good becomes a self-fulfilling prognostication when instructors and establishments hold high outlooks of them and do excess attempts. E.g. ( Arthur & A ; Zelda, 1987 ) in many colleges and universities, pupils with hapless yesteryear records or trial tonss do extraordinary work. Sometimes they outperform pupils with good readying. The University of Wisconsin-Parkside has communicated high outlooks for underprepared high school pupils by conveying them to the university for workshops in academic topics, survey accomplishments, trial pickings, and clip direction. In order to reenforce high outlooks, the plan involves parents and high school counsellors6.0 ACADEMIC INVOLVEMENTDefined as a composite of self-reported traits and behaviours ( e.g. , the extent to which pupils work hard at their surveies, the figure of hours they spend analyzing, the grade of involvement in their classs, good survey wonts ) , academic engagement produces an unusual form of effects. Intense academic engagement tends to retard those alterations in personality and behaviour that usually result from college attending. Therefore, pupils who are profoundly involved academically are less likely than mean pupils to demo additions in liberalism, hedonism, artistic involvements, and spiritual renunciation or decreases in concern involvements.7.0 ACTIVE LearningLearning is non a witness athletics. Students do non larn much merely by sitting in categories listening to instructors, memorising prepacked assignments, and ptyalizing out replies. They must speak about what they are larning, write about it, associate it to past experiences and use it to their day-to-day lives. They must do what they learn portion of themselves. Active acquisition is encouraged in categories that use structured exercisings, disputing treatments, squad undertakings, and equal reviews. Active acquisition can besides happen outside the schoolroom. There are 1000s of internships, independent survey, and concerted occupation plans across the state in all sorts of colleges and universities, in all sorts of Fieldss, for all sorts of pupils. Students besides can assist plan and learn classs or parts of classs. At Brown University, module members and pupils have designed new classs on modern-day issues and cosmopolitan subjects ; the pupils so assist the professors as learning helpers. At the State University of New York at Cortland, get downing pupils in a general chemical science lab have worked in little groups to plan lab processs instead than reiterate restructured exercisings. At the University of Michigan ‘s Residential College, squads of pupils sporadically work with module members on a long-run original research undertaking in the societal scientific disciplines.8.0 TIME MANAGEMENT AND HANDLING STRESS( Alexander, 1999 ) College decision makers are invariably preoccupied with the accretion and allotment of financial resources ; the theory of pupil engagement, nevertheless, suggests that the most cherished institutional resource may be student clip. Harmonizing to the theory, the extent to which pupils can accomplish peculiar developmental ends is a direct map of the clip and attempt they devote to activities de signed to bring forth these additions. For illustration, if increased cognition and apprehension of history is an of import end for history big leagues, the extent to which pupils reach this end is a direct map of the clip they spend at such activities as listening to professor ‘s talk about history, reading books about history, and discoursing history with other pupils. By and large, the more clip pupils spend in these activities, the more history they learn. Stress is any state of affairs that evokes negative ideas and feelings in a individual. The same state of affairs is non redolent or nerve-racking for all people, and all people do non see the same negative ideas and feelings when stressed. One theoretical account that is utile in understanding emphasis among pupils is the person-environmental theoretical account. ( Lazarus, 1966 ) Harmonizing to one fluctuation of this theoretical account, nerve-racking events can be appraised by an person as â€Å" disputing †or â€Å" baleful †. When pupils appraise their instruction as a challenge, emphasis can convey them a sense of competency and an increased capacity to larn. When instruction is seen as a menace, nevertheless, emphasis can arouse feelings of weakness and a fateful sense of loss. A critical issue refering emphasis among pupils is its consequence on acquisition. ( The Yerkes-Dodson jurisprudence 1908 ) postulates that persons under low and high emphasis learn the least, and that those under moderate emphasis learn the most. A field survey and research lab trials support the impression that inordinate emphasis is harmful to pupils ‘ public presentation. Mechanisms that explain why pupils perform severely under emphasis include â€Å" hyper watchfulness †( inordinate watchfulness to a nerve-racking state of affairs ensuing in terror  for illustration, over analyzing for an test ) and â€Å" premature closing †( rapidly taking a solution to stop a nerve-racking state of affairs, for illustration, hotfooting through an test ) . Students react to Higher Education in a assortment of ways. For some pupils, college or the University is nerve-racking because it is an disconnected alteration from high school. For others, separation from place is a beginning of emphasis. Although some emphasis is necessary for personal growing to happen, the sum of emphasis can overpower a pupil and impact the ability to get by. Time ON TASK Time plus energy peers larning. There is no replacement for clip on undertaking. Learning to utilize one ‘s clip well is critical for pupils and professionals likewise. Students need aid in larning effectual clip direction. Allocating realistic sums of clip agencies effectual larning for pupils and effectual instruction for module. How an establishment defines clip outlooks for pupils, module, decision makers, and other professional staff can set up the footing for high public presentation for all. E.g. ( 1 ) ( Mutsotso & A ; Abenga, 2010 ) larning how to finish assignments on clip will assist pupils succeeds academically. In the â€Å" Dynamics of Effective Study †pupils are taught how to form and pull off clip sagely. Students are taught how to schedule undertakings hebdomadal and monthly to guarantee success. To heighten the academic accomplishment of pupils, a survey accomplishments class was implemented in the course of study to assist pupils achieve the GPA standa rds. Freshmans have enrolled in this class since it was implemented in 1994. This survey will analyze the effectivity of the class, â€Å" Dynamicss of Effective Study, †on the academic accomplishment of freshers at this school. ( 2 ) ( Arthur & A ; Zelda, 1987 ) Mastery acquisition, contract acquisition, and computer-assisted direction require that pupils spend equal sums of clip on larning. Extended periods of readying for college besides give pupils more clip on undertaking. Matteo Ricci College is known for its attempts to steer high school pupils from the 9th class to a B.A. through a course of study taught jointly by module at Seattle Preparatory school and Seattle University. Supplying pupils with chances to incorporate their surveies into the remainder of their lives helps them usage clip good. As pupils in higher instruction, much is expected of us, and at the same clip there are so many distractions that come our manner. We need to be able to get the better of this distractions, know what to make at a peculiar point in clip, cognize when to acquire a school assignment done so that the work burden wo n't be much, and when to go to to other things. And most significantly know when to make these things at the right clip. So for us to be able to accomplish these purposes in due clip we as pupils need to be able to modulate our clip. For Example You may be making a class with faculties, where each one must be completed in a semester. You might sometimes necessitate to get down assessed plants before you ‘ve had all the categories, to finish it on clip you need to be after yourself good You may be making several faculties at one time all with a similar deadline taking to bunching of plants. If you do n't be after for this you might stop up under force per unit area. If you leave it excessively late to look for indispensable resources, they may non be available. Advance planning is every bit indispensable as the resources If you ‘re making paid work while analyzing, you need to suit it all together. So many pupils have domestic duties to suit in with class work, this besides needs planning.THINGS HIGH IN IMPORTANCE, LOW IN URGENCY.( DAVID, 2009 ) For module and alumnus pupils, things that are extremely of import but less pressing tend to include our original research and our personal relationships. Both are evidently of import, and we know that. But the world is that both of these tend non to experience every bit pressing as our duties for a category. For illustration, calculating out how to research the communicating kineticss that propelled a state to travel to war is undeniably of import, yet it merely does n't transport the same sense of immediateness as prepping for a category that occurs tomorrow and so once more two yearss subsequently, for the following eight hebdomads. Similarly, traveling out to dinner with a close friend can ever be put off until another twenty-four hours, right? And that ‘s precisely what happens with things that are of import but non ( as ) urgent  we tend to force them to the side. As a consequence, many of us get the instruction and pupil work done foremost and merely so turn to a focal point on original research or personal clip that nurtures us. If such clip does non happen, and it frequently does n't, so so be it. And that ‘s the hang-up of the affair. We must do certain that we devote clip to things that are extremely of import, but low in urgency. If we do non, the nature of the academy is that extremely of import, extremely pressing undertakings will herd everything else out. When that occurs, burnout ensues. Here are a few stairss that we can take to do certain we give equal precedence to things high in importance and low in urgency: Schedule them.A If you do n't schedule them, they do n't go on. As a module member, I schedule my research clip and personal activities, to do certain they happen. Otherwise they wo n't. Make different things on different yearss of the week.A I have found that I am best when concentrating on one primary type of work undertaking a twenty-four hours. That is, if I teach on Tuesday so I likely wo n't be much good as a research worker that twenty-four hours. For me, Mondays and Fridays tend to be yearss that I spend making chiefly research and commission work. Believe that you will really be a better instructor and pupil when you do take clip to plunge yourself in what is extremely of import, but non ( as ) urgent.A I ‘m wholly convinced that when I prioritize occasional pockets of personal clip I enrich my instruction and research because my head and energy are renewed.9.0 DecisionHow much a pupil achieves is in portion dependant on the survey methods that he/she applies. There is no 1 survey method that works better for all individuals. The secret lies in being able to place personal survey methods that work for each person in given environments, conditions and fortunes. This requires cognizing oneself in order to do good determinations about how to analyze and do clip, every bit good as know the assorted schemes that can be applied.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Accepted Arguments for Urban Walkability
Introduction The theodolite oriented development attack is being adopted by many metropoliss around the universe, peculiarly those contested with transforming their auto dependant vicinities into more habitable and sustainable developments. The simplest manner to depict the rules of TOD harmonizing to Calthorpe ( 1993 ) is â€Å"moderate and high denseness lodging, along with complementary public utilizations, occupations, retail and services, concentrated in assorted – used development at strategic points along the regional theodolite system†. Yet, much as connectivity to regional significance through theodolite is of import, it is the communities’ close interaction, supported by a walkable environment that Calthorpe claims is the â€Å"key aspect†of any booming TOD. Over the old ages, prosaic friendly design therefore generated considerable involvements and a important sum of literature and influential policy on urban walkability in TOD’s were developed in the Western world’s temperate urban zones. Soon, nevertheless, many of the world’s fastest developing urban countries are found in semitropical latitudes ( O’Hare,2006 ) . Western Australia, and peculiarly Perth, the urban Centre of the part is one such instance and serves as the focal point of this research. The paper explores the cardinal facets and physical qualities of built environment related to urban walkability with an purpose to promote farther treatment and surveies on how semitropical TOD’s can be designed to heighten prosaic motion every bit good as inquiry whether the orthodoxy of bing urban design rules require some changes to better accommodate to semitropical parts. The paper establishes the recognized statements and urban design rules indispensable to urban walkability and develops from a reappraisal of urban design & A ; sustainability, a model that would promote pedestrians’ motion and conveyance waiting in a semitropical TOD. A literature reappraisal is produced to corroborate the turning importance of walkability and finally the paper explores, through field observations, how the established urban walkability rules apply in the semitropical parts. It concludes by giving some recommendations that could be applied to Claremont town Centre for an improved prosaic friendly TOD. Accepted statements for urban walkability + Literature reappraisal Recognised as the oldest signifier of urban conveyance, walking is a manner of meeting and prosecuting with the local milieus and wider society in a mode non rather possible when following other agencies of conveyance, particularly centrifugal conveyance. Gehl & A ; Gemzoe ( 2003 ) , strongly highlight walking as a solution to breaking the public land as portion of the sweetening of the local vicinity and urban greening. With emerging concerns that auto dependent metropoliss will non be sustainable in the hereafter, due to energy costs, fuel handiness, congestion, pollution and other environmental impacts, much consciousness is being raised about the importance of walking. Harmonizing to US researches, surveies show that there is a 30 % more likeliness that compact-mixed usage development occupants would walk ( to a restaurant/park ) than those populating huge motor-oriented environments ( Cervero & A ; Radisch,1996 ) . Hodgson, Page, & A ; Tight ( 2004 ) besides conclude from their research that that TOD’s with appropriate design lead to more prosaic and transit trips ensuing in a diminution in non-motorised transit manners to cut down pollution emanations In concurrence to sustainability issues, the intra-generational equity theory and policy besides acknowledge that a major portion of the population constitutes of people who are highly immature, old, unhealthy, disabled or needy to hold entree or control over a private auto ( O’Hare,2006 ) . Recently, considerable involvement in improved walking environments has been generated as a consequence of the desire to promote nonmotorized transit manners to cut down pollution emanations and to better public wellness by increased degrees of walking ( Evans-Cowley, 2006 ) . A big organic structure of research has confirmed that a favourable walking environment is a necessary status for advancing walking and vicinity interaction ( Clifton, Smith, & A ; Rodriguez, 2007 ) . Public wellness The World Health Organisation ( WHO ) Charter on Transport, Environment and Health every bit good as the WHO Healthy Cities Program have recognised the prominence of urban walkability long before the urban design and planning Fieldss. The public wellness sector recognises that ‘active transport’ ( such as walking, including walking to the coach or train ) involves incidental physical activity. This incidental physical activity is an of import constituent of active life ( O’Hare 2000 ) . Active life, together with a healthy diet, has the possible to change by reversal current international tendencies towards sedentary life styles and the attach toing wellness hazards associated with fleshiness. Australia has been rated by different bureaus as one of the world’s top four states for fleshiness. Give that much of the world’s urban population growing is happening in the tropical and semitropical zones, it is of import to analyze urban walkability rules with peculiar attending to conditions in those non-temperate climatic zones. A Perth survey found commuters utilizing public conveyance accumulated seven times more exercising than private automobilists The prevalence of fleshiness in Australia has more than doubled in the last 20 old ages: 52 % of adult females, 67 % of work forces, and 25 % of kids are fleshy or corpulent. Urban walkability rules in Tod: Jacobs ( 1960 ) spelled out about half a century ago that urban design qualities associating to the quality of prosaic experience are indispensable to back up walkability. â€Å"Active frontages†and â€Å"eyes on the street†were recognised as few of the many important facets. Based on the best patterns from around the universe, 8 rules critical to making walkable TOD’s are identified in this paper. 1. WALK – Developing attractive prosaic environment ensures handiness and mobility for all. 2. PLACE-MAKING – Making a sense of topographic point makes encourages prosaic activity and liveability. 3. CONNECT – Making heavy webs of theodolite paths consequences in a high grade of connectivity. 4. TRANSIT – Locate land uses so that they are transit supportive and close to high quality conveyance. 5. MIX – Planning for assorted usage will advance prosaic involvement, safety, 24 hr activity. 6. DENSIFY – Sufficient denseness and compact signifier make theodolite feasible and improve walkability. 7. COMPACT – Planing for compact countries with short commutes improves efficiency. 8. Switch – Controling the amount/location of parking additions mobility. It is nevertheless of import to understand that although listed separately, for a development to go genuinely transit oriented, we must be able to film over the boundary between these rules so that they are all interconnected Urban design theory and pattern guidelines for walkable topographic points were largely developed in metropoliss located in the temperate climatic zone. In the semitropicss, summer is the season of uncomfortableness for Walkers, whereas in temperate metropoliss it is the winter that brings uncomfortableness to urban walkers. The coastal semitropical metropolis lacks the icy winds, snow, sleet, hoar, and other winter uncomfortablenesss of the temperate metropolis. The pleasant winter prosaic conditions of the semitropical metropolis are offset, nevertheless, by the summer challenges of heat, humidness and blaze. The following subdivision of this paper explores the demand for an ‘intemperate’ attack to accomplishing urban walkability in the semitropical metropolis Urban walkability in semitropical TODs – Model It is of import to understand that in the fast turning semitropical urban parts of the universe, clime and local topography are influential elements associated with walkability. Traveling at a slower gait, walkers are prone to detect many more perceptible inside informations and are exposed to the environing elements and climatic factors. Protection from Sun, rain, humidness or heat must hence be taken into history when be aftering a prosaic environment. Pulling on research and maintaining in head the factors associated with semitropical urban parts, a model of urban design rules is developed as schemes that would outdo enhance prosaic motion or waiting in semitropical TOD’s. The cardinal factors to doing walking appealing are grouped in three major classs: SAFETY, ACTVITY AND COMFORT. Figure 1 – Framework Venn diagram, 2014. Figure 2 – A balanced street has ample pavements, comfy motorcycle installations that connect to a web, and safe ways to traverse streets, doing active transit possible even on larger roads. Image by EMBARQ. Stimulating walking necessitates that these travelers can travel about efficiency, comfortably, and most significantly, safely. Physical design schemes that could be implemented in the ‘Safety, Activity, Comfort’ model are discussed below: Safety: 1. Guaranting wider pavement can supply for easy prosaic motion and at the same clip advance commercial activity/interaction 2. Removing physical or sensed barriers to guarantee that the walker has level and obstruction free set of pavement – â€Å"pedestrian zone†3. Supplying prosaic oriented quality illuming that illuminated their waies will add to the walker’s sense of safety 4. Responsive walk marks at traversing visible radiations designed with better timing and automatic changing to prioritize the demands of walkers, raised intersections, mini traffic circles or velocity bulges will promote safe motion. Activity: 1. Well-connected streets guarantee that occupants can conveniently entree all parts of the TOD, therefore triping the street usage. 2. Developing mixed-use street active frontages promote safety, security and Foster vibrant societal life in the streets. 3. Attractive infinites with edifice orientation to the public street, ocular involvements, constructing articulation and landscaping encourage walkers to garner and linger 4. Way happening aids/proper signage must be implemented to assist people orient themselves and promote motion through unfastened public countries. 5.Transit Stationss should be activated by cafe/newspapers bases or other installations to do conveyance waiting wothwhile Comfort: 1. The usage of shelters in prosaic and transit areas/stops allows for uncomfortableness decrease and provides remainder for walkers. 2. Provision of pathway sunshades, arcades, and other conditions protection at least at certain intervals will function as shelter from Sun or showers. 3. Supplying a high grade of street comfortss ( benches, refuse tins, imbibing fountains ) and resting topographic points will rise the image of the street and pull all demographics to comfortably linger. 4. Equally good as supplying a solution to the heat & A ; humidness, street trees shade and protect walkers from the rain. John walkers can besides be protected from autos when verdure is carefully designed along kerb. 5. Sidewalk with a width proportional to the graduated table of the TOD country and planned walkability degree ensures comfy walking experiences for everyone. Case surveies Subiaco City and Claremont Town Centre, selected as instance surveies for this paper are recent both theodolite oriented countries developed in Perth part with a railroad line go throughing through. The survey country boundaries for each include the country within an 800-metre radius environing the train station. Subiaco metropolis -Subiaco, known as Subi is a historic inner western suburb located around 3kms from Perth CBD and is focussed around a lively retail strip of Rockeby route. The Subi Centro undertaking embracing the North and West of the Subiaco railroad station began in 1994 and incorporated many new homes, concern Centres and commercial infinite. An of import facet was the undergrounding of the railroad line which in the yesteryear divided Subiaco. As an example of urban regeneration back uping its heritage context, the undertaking achieves a high quality public kingdom. Claremont Town – Claremont Town Centre, another western suburb finds itself midway of Perth CBD and Fremantle port on the north bank of Swan River. Claremont Town Centre is a important shopping country concentrated around St Quentin’s Avenue/Bay View Terrace and located South of the Claremont train station. The Claremont North East Precinct undertaking is an ongoing undertaking started in 2005 as an enterprise to revitalize the Northern portion of the town which is presently disconnected from the southern portion. It aspires a vivacious mixed used development around the Claremont football ellipse as a measure towards societal, economic and environmental sustainability. The intent of this study, being to measure and heighten the quality of prosaic environment, 3 methods is used to garner information: 1. Ped-shed analysis is conducted at a 400m radius ( 5 min walk ) and an 800m radius ( 10 min- walk ) 2. SAFETY-ACTIVITY- COMFORT appraisal sheet is used to rate physical micro – attributes of the built environment on the streets. 3. Experimental analysis of the site – pictures/personal experience DATA ANALYSIS The information collected from these were used to measure to what degree the factors discussed in the model and considered influential to walkability are either present or missing in these two survey countries. Pedshed ratio Analysis of the connectivity of both TODs was assessed through the ped-shed ratios calculated. A comparing of the two diagrams that Subiaco’s street grid web provides many waies and affiliated streets, promoting them to walk and be within short walking distance of the train station. Claremont on the other manus, lacks this grade of prosaic connectivity and offers limited path pick to the individual walking. After analyzing the connectivity of each site, visuals were gathered from field observations to compare one to another. The Safety-Activity-Comfort assessment sheet was so used to analyze and rate each class. Key findings As seen from the evaluation, Subiaco metropolis stands out footings of supplying certain positive physical street elements that affect walkability. Observation from field analysis showed that street frontages on streets next to the train station were rather lively and extremely articulated. Seating countries, illuming, verdures and shaded musca volitanss contributed to pulling prosaic activity in the country. It was gathered from observations and research that Subiaco’s success as a prosaic friendly vicinity was besides due to the fact that the City of Subiaco Councillors had established a vision statement of â€Å"The Best Main Street Village in Australia†for the country. Rockeby street, in this respect, was developed as a topographic point to come back to alternatively of merely being a theodolite street and development tendencies, chances and alterations were carefully thought of so as the area’s alone ‘sense of place’ was preserved. Famously advocated by Toderian ( 2014 ) as â€Å"streets that are for people to bask and linger, non merely travel through..places that are both ab initio attractive and ‘sticky’ , ask foring people to love it and non desire to go forth it†, positive thoughts of gluey street construct seems to hold been successfully adopted in planing Subiaco’s chief street. With the aim of be aftering non mere ly for the substructure and public conveyance, but besides the stores, coffeehouse and the people, Rockeby Street has flourished as iconic community hub of societal, civic and commercial activity with public infinites as focal points. On the downside nevertheless, field observations besides indicated a figure of vacant stores or those in the procedure of shuting down in Rockeby route retail strip. High rental rates, competition from nearby precinct and over restrictive licensing policies has caused a diminution in cafe/retail strips and a 5 % retail vacancy rate in the country ( Tsagalis2012 ) . It was besides found that an alfresco dining license in Subiaco was more expensive than Western Australia’s norm and compared to a study of local authoritiess in Perth and the eastern provinces ( Law, 2014 ) .Mayor Henderson ( 2014 ) has approached this issue saying that â€Å"We are cognizant that council needs to step up to the home base and do some alterations in order to make the plangency in the chief street in Subiaco†. In an attempt to promote more local concerns to run street trading/ alfresco dining countries to revitalize a spirited street and safe environment for the community, the council of the City of Subiaco has late resolved to amend bing associated fees. As of 31st October 2014, a noteworthy decrease in application/licensing fees, a m2 footing fee and the induction of low-priced short term options will be available for Subiaco retail merchants and it an addition in street activity is expected. While Claremont Town Centre signifiers portion of a outstanding retail country, it comes chiefly in the signifier of indoor promenades which attract the walkers inside instead than being on the route. The chief theodolite next route, Grugeri Street, has a space wall facade with limited or no prosaic activity. The street is besides really limited in term of comfort since the sunshades size is excessively little to supply shadiness or shelter. Bus tops and street comfortss besides lack assortment and sweetening to pull people to linger. Recommendations Apparent from the experimental audit and findings is that Claremont Town Centre has many physical failings in footings of walkability in a semitropical Tod. Because similar failings may be other western Australian TOD’s, some recommendations may use for multiple sites and can be used as a usher for enhanced walking experiences. It was revealed from the site observations and findings of these 2 TOD’s in Perth that there is some manner to travel before Western Australia can claim to hold a truly sustainable attack. Having established that urban walkability is critical to accomplish a sustainable semitropical TOD, it is of import for TOD contrivers to be able to follow a revised model of rules sing the physical environment attributes that would work best for semitropical Perth parts and unify them with new advanced design schemes which would farther heighten walking in Perth. It is besides of import for town/city contrivers to reexamine regulations and ordinances in order to increase plangency in TOD’s instead than being over restrictive. Decision Having established that a successful TOD walkability is straight associated with a safe, comfy and attractive prosaic environment, this paper demonstrates that careful physical planning and good urban design solutions can really much enhance the pedestrian’s experience. It inquiries the demands of a semitropical metropolis in term of its clime, topography and individuality and so explores a model of revised walkability rules that can be applied to the semitropical metropolis. The instance surveies reveal responses and challenges to urban design for walkability in Perth and certain successful elements are recommended as schemes to better Claremont’s TOD in footings of walking experience. It besides inquiries whether over restrictive be aftering policies may necessitate to be reconsidered to maintain a TOD street alive and vivacious. It besides recommends advanced schemes of urban design that other undertakings may copy or accommodate in portion for design and place-making attacks to give a alone sense of topographic point to the semitropical TOD. Although each hereafter TOD will cover with the legion complex design challenges depending on peculiar fortunes around each undertaking, it is the purpose of this paper to excite treatment and hopefully more significant research into the planning of walkable semitropical metropoliss since so many of the world’s most quickly turning urban countries are now situated in the tropical and semitropical zones.
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